Sunday 4 December 2011

A Lone Glass Of Water.

Most horror comics have stuff like guys fighting Zombies with chainsaws, or Vampires getting staked violently in the heart… here my latest panel… of someone walking… away… with a glass… of water in the… background. Trust me, this shot will be a lot spookier when read and put into context. If and when Issue #3 ever finally goes public, hopefully this will be one of the creepiest scenes of the whole issue, if not the whole story. That said, it’ll be nice when I’ve wrapped this issue up and can find some time to draw some messy, more in-your-face pin ups. I’ve already had a couple of ideas I want to develop. Roll on 2012... No… wait… I turn 30 in 2012... SHIT!… stay, 2011, stay. I presume when I hear everyone talking about the world coming to an end in 2012, that’s what they’re talking about? Me turning 30.

Watchmen 2? Or by the sounds of it, prequels to Watchmen. As bad as that may sound, I’d probably read it, which is why they probably will do it. Even if the whole world slags it off and it’s another Dark Knight Strikes Again, it’s gonna sell millions. It’s like Hollywood making god-awful sequels. It’s a giant cash-cow that’s been getting fatter and fatter as the years pass. All DC has to do is commission it and ride the backlash, and there’s no way it wouldn’t return big money, even if it will probably end up more looking like A-list fan-fiction. They killed Superman. Did the unthinkable and rebooted all their comics. And worse of all, got rid of Wonder-Woman’s Hot-Pants. This is nothing to DC.

This all reminds me… I need to pick up a copy of Holy Terror. Had a quick flick through it in a book shop last week. I know the reviews have been pretty poor, but I gotta say I kind of liked the look of the art. I wanna read it myself before passing judgement. I know it’s unpopular with most, but I kind of dig Frank Miller’s new messy art style. I hear everyone saying it’s lazy and too out there, but I kind of like it. It’s just so craggy and bat-shit crazy and I get something out of it, I won’t lie.

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