Thursday 29 February 2024

The Ghoul Of Your Dreams.

This panel is my homage to the shot where the Zombie turns around and reveals they're a gross ungodly ghoul (think the first Zombie in the first Resident Evil game and so on) and not human.

The big Undead reveal, if you will.

In this shot you've really gotta try and make your Zombie as nasty and unsettling as you can to try and shock the audience.

Sunday 18 February 2024

Tiger Killer.

A German Tiger Tank experiences some unexpected 'Turret Tossing' thanks to a lone British Paratrooper in this explosive WW2 themed Splash Page.

From that day forth they called him 'Tiger Killer'...

I hadn't actually planned on using Halftones on this particular page, but I'm glad I did have a play around with them, as they really add to the effect of the explosion and the Turret being thrown up in the air by the blast.

It was also nice to finally get a chance to draw some 'Tank Action'. Something I wish I got to do more often.

Saturday 10 February 2024

Reach Out And Touch Death.

I think we can all agree... the grabbiest and must handsy Monster is the common Zombie.

They're rotten gross hands are everywhere and worse of all there's hundreds of them just groping around looking for fresh Flesh.

Sunday 4 February 2024

Living In Zombie Land.

Question is... did I use my Birthday yesterday as an excuse to stock up on even more Undead research material like I did last year on Halloween and Christmas?

Sadly this enclosed photo says it all...

I think it's safe to say while working on this current 'Walking Dead' project I'm very much living in 'Zombie Land'.

Friday 2 February 2024

Peculiar Popcorn.

This year's Birthday snack of choice for tomorrow... bought and tried out of curiosity, thinking they wouldn't taste very good, but actually pretty yummy.

Which was surprising, as usually when I try novelty flavours, I hate them.