Saturday 22 June 2013

Bath-Time For Yana.

As I round out and finish the extras section for my forthcoming graphic-novel, I thought it would be ok to post a tiny bit, if I cropped out any spoilers. Give a taste, as it were, without giving too much away. I jokingly like to think with this shot, I’m the first creator to ever do slash-fiction\fan-fiction of their own work before the public gets a chance. (I kid, but I do secretly dream of one day writing something that’s successful and spawns perverted fan-fiction of its own… is that a weird ambition?)

I know this isn’t really something you should give yourself a pat-on-the-back for… but I’m quite proud of how the panties on the floor turned out in this shot. If I had known drawing them was gonna go so well, I would have been braver and thrown in a bra, too.

I’ve gotta think about getting a proof copy made of my book very soon… which is a scary thought.

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