Friday 14 September 2012

Sharks, Nazis and Serial Killers.

In the last couple of years, I’ve found my thirst for documentaries has grown hugely. I’m not sure if it’s a guy thing, when you start to get a bit older, and it starts to get all about TV shows about Sharks, Nazis and Serial Killers. Maybe it’s the fact that with digital TV, there’s so many of these documentaries about now. But anyway, these days they’re my program\film of choice. I guess it might come from DVDs, too. I love a good DVD extra. I really love documentaries on horror movies (for obvious reasons.) This week I watched Corman’s World, which was good, but could have been longer and a bit more in-depth. It was a bit bare-bones, for me. Then watched Blood, Boobs And Beast off the Troma Youtube channel last night. Very low-budget doc, but I actually really enjoyed it. Had heart. And if that wasn’t enough for one week, for this coming weekend, I've managed to get my hands on a germen import Blu-ray of Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy. Clocking in at 4-hours, it’s a mammoth documentary. I’ve already stocked up on drinks and twiglets. It’s gonna be a massive nerd slob-out.

Of course being a documentary fan can blow up in your face sometimes. I made the mistake of watching Paranormal Witness before going to bed last week. Every time a fat seagull landed on my roof during the night (I live by the coast, and they crash down on my roof a lot), I keep thinking “Eeekkkkkkk! What if it’s the Monkey Man of Oregon?”

Actually, if we’re talking awesome horror docs, might be a good excuse to post this.


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