Wednesday 29 August 2007

That’ll Learn Ya.

Well that idea really blow up in my face. Instead of laying low for the weekend and starting the week well rested and healthy I just got sicker and sicker as the days wore on until yesterday when I was so ill I had all symptoms on the back of the Beechams tablet packet except the shivers. I keep forgetting that adult flu is very different to the flu you used to get when you were a kid. When you were a kid it was a couple of days at the most off school as you sat on the sofa drinking Lucozade and watching daytime TV and eating chicken nuggets. But when you’re an adult, all bets are off. Colds can stick around for weeks. I look like a love child between a Clown and a wino with my nuclear red nose and pale face. At least I think\hope I’m over the worst of it.

It weird being laid up trying to get my strength back. Luckily I’ve got a pile of books and comics by my bed. I have way too much time to think about stuff to past the time over the last few days like-

· Why have they never remade Westworld and if they did who would play the Yul Brynner role?
· Could I pull off a handlebar moustache and isn’t it about time the straight man took back the handlebar moustache?
· And how can Jaws The Revenge be worse then Jaws 3d? I didn’t think it was possible but with sharks that roar and exploded when boats hit them, they did it. Goddamn em.

Saw this the other day and it made me laugh.

Star Wars Stand Up Comic

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