Wednesday 22 August 2007

Sod’s Law Kicks In.

I’ve been spending the last week or two trying to get all the little boring ‘real life’ things out the way like filling in forms and paper work and so on, so I can put in some serious time at the drawing board. Just as I got it all out the way sod’s law kicks in and now I find I’m coming down with the flu. SHIT. Anyway its rest and telly for me until tonight and then I’ll see about getting some work done.

I went to Brighton yesterday with two goals in mind. (1) Pick up any new copies of Love and rockets and (2) get some new trainers as mine now have holes in the soles and stink when they get wet. Couldn’t find any new issue (or any issue) of Love and rockets but I did managed to pick up the new Tank Girl comic. I also bought some trainers but I can’t help but think it was because I liked the girl serving me more then I actually liked the trainers which are a bit tight and look like trainer an eight year would choose. I’ve got to stop rewarding good-looking sales woman and start thinking more about my poor unhealthy bank account. Now I’m a little bit poorer with tight trainers and the flu. SHIT.

{Note} While trying to post this I found Blogger was down and after a few try’s I gave up and thought I’d leave it for a minute and picked up the TV listening and started flicking through it only to find there showing Jaws the revenge on ITV on Saturday. I’ve been wanting to see that film for ages. I know it meant to be shit but there no way it could be worse then Jaws 3d. Strangely the world seems ok now.

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