Monday 29 September 2014

Level One.

Was reading this article on the cruel brilliance of the first level of Resident Evil 4 over the weekend. As someone who recently had to replace a lost copy of Resident Evil 4 last week and has been playing it again lately, I found this article rings very true.

I would never claim to be a gamer these days, as I neither have the time or the money for it, sadly. That said, I still have a massive soft spot for the Resident Evil franchise. Not that I’ve played any of the modern ones. The last one I played was when I bought a copy of Resident Evil 5 for this very laptop I’m typing on right now, and then soon discovered it wasn’t powerful enough to handle it. (Although I enjoyed the little I did play when I could get it to work.) The newer games seemed a bit too Matrix-y for me, from what I’ve seen. I also watched the fifth Resident Evil movie the other day, and just couldn’t get into it. I get the feeling the newer Resident Evil games\movies swapped survival horror for Matrix style leather outfits, high kicks and  unlimited ammo machine guns and explosions.

I’m also a massive fan of going onto youtube and checking out the mods people have done for Resident Evil games (Cammy White in Resident Evil 4? You’re crazy, internet... Actually, isn‘t Cammy also owned by Capcom? Plus she‘s a secret agent. Would it really be so weird to see her in a Resident Evil game...? probably.) I’ve also got a soft spot for Left 4 Dead mods too, even though I’ve never played it.

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