Friday 15 July 2011

It’s Party Time.

I don’t often post whole pages, so here’s a bit of a treat. This was the first page of a recent short story I was working on. I tried to cram in as many Monsters as possible, and page one was Zombies. It was a bit lighter in tone then most of my recent work. I put a few gags in this strip. It was more of a flying visit to the Zombie genre, and hopefully a half-decent attempt. I’d like to do more one day, you know, just as drawing Zombies becomes really, really uncool and everybody’s tired of them.

Posted a copy up on Deviant art a few days ago for anyone who wants to check it out there.

Finally got around to getting an mp3 player today (or rather, today was the day it turned up in the post.) Been spending all day converting mp4’s to mp3’s and checking out the prices for a few audio books I’ve got my eye on. Turns out audio books are pretty pricey. Also, it never said it when I bought it, but it turns out it comes with the complete work’s of Shakespeare on it. What a strange time, when something can just turn out to contain an artist complete back-catalogue just on a whim. Slightly depressing in some ways. That said, I also found out it has a copy of Tetris on it, which cheered me up again. Plus the first song I downloaded off iTunes was this one. You can’t listen to this song and feel bad. Especially if you follow it up with this one.

I am really looking forward to The Thing prequel now. The new trailer has raised my hopes. It doesn’t really show any of the FX shots, and in many ways looks just as much a remake, as a prequel. But I live in hope after watching this new trailer. Just because every horror prequel I’ve seen of late has been a let down, doesn’t mean this one will be, right…? Yeah, ok, it’s probably going to be bad, I know. I can’t even think of a decent horror prequel off the top of my head.

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