Thursday 28 July 2011

Angry Birds Go Home.

I remember hearing everyone talking about Angry Birds a few months back. There had been so much hype that when I finally got to play it myself, I felt a little let down. It’s not a bad game or anything, it was just maybe a bit average for something that the whole world seemed to be talking about. It’s a playable game, but not something I could see people going back to in years to come. I guess I’m saying I don’t get the hype it managed to generate. For example, here a Flash game I’ve been playing loads lately that I think is wayyyyyy better. It’s in the same aim-n-click style, but is a much better game. Also the music sound like something off a cheap chill-out album, but kind of works.

I reached a depressing age where I had to give proper gaming the boot a few years back. Partly cost, partly because I couldn’t free up enough spare time that gaming needs. I’d say most of my friends are gamers and hearing them talk just makes me feel so out-of-the-loop. I can go months and months with out playing a video game these days, so it’s not worth me coughing up all that money for a 360 or PS3. Now-a-days, a quick go on a Flash game is the closes I get.

Any online Flash game recommendations or good websites are welcomed. I saw World Of Tanks reviewed on a TV program recently and I won’t lie, I’m tempted. I know it’s pretty popular right now. Also I just like to think there’ll be some glitch in it so you can invade World Of Warcraft with World Of Tanks (right now, I’m just picturing a bunch of orks and wizards standing around in shock as a giant line of Tanks come rolling over a digital hill.)

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