Monday, 28 January 2008

So It Come To This.

Even though I’m turning 26 at the weekend I’m a little freaked out at how much I’ve been trying to relive my childhood these last couple of weeks. Firstly for my Birthday I’m getting a Doctor Who box set so I can watch again one of my all time favourite Dr Who episodes The sea devils with Jon Pertwee as the Doctor. Then at some point this week when my friend ask what I want for my birthday I’m going get him to get me a couple of Where Wally books from the children book section as a birthday treat. And sadly it doesn’t end there. Late last night while looking around at prices of DVD’s on the net and watching clips of old kids shows when I remembered A great show called Terrahawks. Took me a while to look it up as I thought it was called Thunderhawks and it took about five minutes for Google to set me straight. I didn’t think Terrahawks had anything to do with Gerry Anderson but turns out I was wrong. What I liked about his stuff that I watched as a kid was the title and end credits. They always pumped you up (that and all the sweets and chocolates you’d have eaten) before the show started.

Here the intro to Terrahawks and if this song isn’t bouncing around in you head after watching this you’re a stronger man then I.

I still think it one of the best intro and it also has the best end credits as well. Gerry Anderson shows were the only shows you hand to watch from start to end. Noughts and Crosses has never been this good.

Talking of Gerry Anderson shows another program that had a must watch opening and closing credits was Captain Scarlet. You watched that faceless assassin walk down that same alley every week and yet you always had to watch that opening. No theme music and how many shows start with the hero being gunned down in a dark alley? I never really liked Thunderbirds (they looked like gay, male, flight attendance for one thing) but Captain Scarlet was cool as fuck.

It weird that the theme tune came at the end of Captain Scarlet but just to make you watch right to the end they have these shit hot Ron Embleton painting. If your going to have a theme tune you want it to sound a lot like this.

Just to end here some clips from a kids game show called Knightmare. There probably four guys sitting around in a pub like old war buddies talking about the time they won Knightmare as kids. Nothing would induce male bonding like this show. You’d get so worked up watching this show. The blades coming down the wall was always the best bit for me (1:35 seconds in). It was the only game show were if you lost you got killed... well kind of... not really.

Is that P J Harvey 4:45 into this?

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