Sunday 19 May 2013

Kilroy Was Here.

So here’s a gag from the pages of my sketchbook. Not sure how funny it really is, but it made me laugh. Though upon posting this, I am very aware that Kilroy Was Here (maybe the worlds first MEME?) is kind of out of fashion now. Has been for a while. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever drawn a Kilroy until I did this sketch. I remember my brother went through a brief period growing up where he’d draw this little guy on any scrap of paper laying around. I always thought they were a little bit creepy. Some cartoon guy with a phallic nose spying on you. He deserves to be zombie-bait. If he spent more time watching his back for walkers, and less time spying on people…

I plan to bust out my markers and do some serious doodling in the coming weeks.

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