Friday 26 October 2012

Everyone’s Favourite Morbid Holiday.

Might not look like it, but this frame actually has a couple of Easter eggs in it, if you know where to look. Regular readers of this blog may spot one right off.

I know all I do is sit around watching horror movies and eating junk food anyway, so Halloween should really just be another day, but I do like to try and celebrate this holiday. Being British, maybe it’s the repressed druid in me. Where once we would have put someone in a Wicker-man and burnt them, now it’s a good horror movie on Blu-ray\DVD and a packet of Haribo Horror Mix. I think that’s the dark reason why we’re so fond of our bonfires down here in the south east. Centuries on, we’ve got human sacrifice withdrawal.

I think this year, my horror movie on the day will be I Saw The Devil, as I’ve been wanting to see this flick for ages. Last year I had to work on Halloween, so didn’t get in till late, then being very unoriginal, just throw on my copy of Halloween to watch. This year I can try and make more of a night of it. Wonder what other people are doing for this Halloween… if anything?

Got the Basket Case trilogy Blu-ray this week. Worth getting just for the short-film on Graham Humphreys. God, I love those 80’s horror posters he did for palace pictures. Some publisher really needs to put out an art-book of those.

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