Tuesday 23 June 2020

Dracula Descending: Toned.

I should make it very clear this is NOT a new piece of artwork or anything. This Dracula pin-up dates back to around 2013, and so is pretty old (and shows it in some places). But I've recently just swapped over art programs, and so have really had access to adding decent tone to my art for the first time ever, and this image just seemed like a good candidate for updating.
I've always had a bit of a soft spot for this image (even though it never really found much of an audiences, truth be told). And I spent so many hours drawing in all those rocks. It's also still probably the closes I've ever got to doing a Hammer Horror style art project.

I really feel tone has given this pin-up much better depth now, and that the rocks and Dracula really feel like they've been pushed into the forefront of the image. Plus now the room the woman is bathing in is dark and shadowy it's a lot more foreboding.

I know non-threatening sexy Vampires are very much in at the moment, but this is how I like my Vamps. Predatory sub-humans with nothing on their minds but blood. Plus I think every horror artists should do their take on Dracula at least once.

If you would like to compare pin-ups you can find the 2013 original Dracula art HERE.

I wish I could post the higher Res copy, as I notices tone really suffers when you drop the resolution for posting on the internet.

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