Monday 13 June 2011

Zombie Ready.

I don’t know why this story has been all over the internet this weekend just gone. Isn’t the whole point of a Zombie apocalypse that no one can handle it? What Zombie movie, comic, video-game is there, where there’s a massive Zombie outbreak and the government steps in and quickly and calmly deals with it? None… except maybe the original Night Of The Living Dead. There’s always that depressing bit in most Zombie movies where the first thing people do is go looking for a so-called ‘quarantined zone’ which has now been over run or never set up in the first place. Governments, let alone local councils, usually evaporate like vapour in these movies. Sounds more like wishful thinking to me.

Maybe local councils do such a bad job at fixing pot-holes and collecting rubbish because it’s their first line of defence against a Zombie invasion? Zombies would struggle against these obstacles, giving people time to escape and flee. That’s the angle I’d be playing, if I worked for the council.

Just to cram even more Zombies into this undead bloated post. Got a bit hooked on this online flash game over the weekend. There something very soothing about killing Zombies from above. It’s like if God went on a killing spree or something, this game.

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