Friday 20 March 2020

Remain Indoors.

I am not looking forward to the coming weeks as the ‘eye of the Corona Virus storm’ hits the UK.

For a start, I’ve got nothing to connect me to the outside world and the rest of the human-race in the foreseeable future but a really old and out-of-date laptop, and poor internet services that’s getting more unreliable with each passing day.

If things gets too bad, I’m considering drawing a face on a Volleyball for company like Tom Hanks in Cast Away.

On the upside, though, at least I’ve got no excuses for not staying in and drawing now.

I’m also wondering why I’m watching so many classic outbreak movies recently too. During the last couple of weeks, I’ve watched Rabid (1977), The Crazies (1973) and Impulse (1984). Is it weird to be watching virus movies during a virus?

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