Wednesday 25 May 2016

Fetch The Hose.

Since it’s been all business on here lately, here’s a little ‘slice of life’ moment I thought I’d share, since it’s been a while.

Was out-and-about the other day in town looking around, and I thought I’d check out the graphic-novels in the local bookstore. I head into the bookshop and up the escalator only to find two nerdy looking young guys already there. Not being a very big graphic-novel section, I decide not to try and squeeze my way in, but rather I thought I’d just check out other sections of the book shop, and then circle back when they had moved on. And so I did, although it soon became clear, no matter where I stood in this pretty large bookstore browsing, I could not get away from the sound of these two geeky guys discussing all things nerdy, in loud voices, as it seemed pretty important to them that everybody in the store hear their words of wisdom on all things geek related. After a while, it became clear these guys weren’t going anywhere, and if I wanted to check out the graphic-novels, I had to squeeze my way in for a quick peek. However I soon learned this plan was not gonna happen, as when I returned to the graphic-novel section, I soon saw that by now, the geeky guys were both sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the books, with several graphic-novels open in front of them, and had unpack some take-out food they’d brought in with them, and were having a kind of indoor picnic. It was a weekday, and although these guys looked young, they had to be of at least college student age.

I think Amazon secretly pays creeps like these guys to go into bookstores and wear out the books until they’re shabby, cover them in greasy fingerprints, and block people from viewing them. They should keep a hose in store for people like this.

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