Sunday 3 January 2016

For Those That Tumble.

Before Babayka-Lives returns next month, I thought I’d quickly put a call out for readers with Tumblrs to consider maybe subscribing.

I kind of feel by this point, those who have read the entirety of Brides Of Babayka, most of them by now would have decided if Babayka-Lives is a web-series they’re into or not, and if they’ll be returning for more of Babayka’s sinister escapades in 2016.

The majority of my webcomic readership are incognito, and no doubt always will be. That’s just the nature of posting stuff online. Everybody on the internet ‘lurks’ once in a while (myself included, so no judgement.) But for those that tumble, and ain’t afraid to come out the Babayka-Lives reader’s closet and show a little support, maybe consider hitting that subscribe button in the top right-hand corner at some point over the next few weeks. Right now, people who subscribe via Tumblr and Tapastic are the only readers I can put a name, or sometimes a face to. Well… I say name and face… but usually it’s some weird username and a picture of their cat or favourite cartoon character, but it’s still a reader to me, and I’m still grateful for the support, so please do tap that subscribe button.

As many of you have probably seen, I’ve posted a teaser page for new artwork for Book Two: Babayka Land yesterday. As mentioned on that teaser page, Babayka-Lives returns next month. I’ll be posting the exact start date exclusively on Babayka-Lives itself in the coming future, so keep a beady eye on the site for that.

A big thank you in advance to any and all that do kindly subscribe. I look forward to seeing all your wacky usernames and pussy pics.

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