Friday 27 April 2007

From news page to blog.

With the fact that (A) those little blogs I’d write on my myspace got more hits then I was expecting (meaning somebody was reading them) and (B) I could up date on news straight away instead of waiting around like I had to with my old news page, I’ve decided to start up a blog.

I’m not really sure if what the internet really needs now is another bloody comic book artist going on about what movies his seen and how rough life is on those who us in the sequential industry (but they should of thought of that before inviting blogging.)

Anyway I picked a real bad week to start up a blog as my weekend is packed, but I should be posting up new things in the next couple of days, including work from Dirge 2 for the first time. (I know I keep saying I’ll post some stuff from Dirge 2 and haven’t yet, but I’ll quit being a tease and do so in the coming days as it seems like a good way to start off this blog).

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