Saturday 8 October 2022

I'm Halloweening As Fast As I Can.

For those that have maybe been following my Artwork for while now, you might know I like to start my Halloween prepping early... In recent years I've even started getting into the habit of starting work on my October offering in late Summer.

I should say this year I've had to scale back and have only just started work on my Halloween Artwork this week, thanks to commitments to other ongoing Art projects as well as just trying to fit it in around dreaded real life. 

Rest assure though I do have a ghoulish idea boiling in my cauldron, and it's something a bit different. If I'm honest I'm kind of making it up as I go along a bit more this year. Playing it by ear, if you will. But hopefully that might be a good thing.

I don't know how other peoples' Halloweens are panning out so far this year?

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