Honey Nut Cheerios… you just made Batman’s shit-list. May God have mercy on you.
I’m gonna include a link to the online dictionary’s entry for ‘shit-list.’ Not so much because I don’t think any one reading this will know what a shit-list means, more because you can press the speak-button and make the internet say “shit-list” in a really funny computer voice.
Someone give Batman a hug.
Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Monday, 26 December 2011
Panic Room.
Leaking new Watchmen artwork on Christmas day? Sneaky, sneaky, DC. Was it nicknamed ‘Panic Room’ because that’s where all the DC executives will be hiding when they finally put these comics out?
I’m still in two minds about the whole Watchmen sequels\prequels thing. I kind of come down on the side of ‘it was written to be a stand alone book’, and ‘Watchmen without Alan Moore, just ain’t Watchmen.’ That said, Watchmen is the most important graphic novel of all time (in the Superhero genre, that is.) There’s a good chance we may talk about characters like Rorschach or Doctor Manhattan in a hundred years, in the same way we talk about Sherlock Holmes or Dracula these days. Owning that Golden Goose and not being able to help yourself to those Golden Eggs must be driving DC mad. If all DC have got to do is step on Alan Moore’s toes, I do think it’s more of a case of when, rather then if. I’m not sure how much it’ll really gonna bug Alan Moore. I think I heard he doesn’t even own a copy of Watchmen anymore. Plus, he’s spent recent years writing books full of other writer’s characters I.E. Lost Girls, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Neonomicon. It most of crossed his mind that sooner or later other writers would come for his. In most cases, people wait for the writer to die (giving him\her a good reason to turn in their grave), is twenty-five years long enough? Some would say it’s a miracle DC waited that long.
To sum up. I don’t really think you really need sequels or prequels to Watchmen, but I ain’t gonna be nailing babies to church doors in protest. It would be nice to see Dave Gibbons draw Rorschach again, if nothing else. I guess Watchmen has got to the point where it’s such an iconic story, and what with it being twenty-five years old now, there’s a whole generation of writers and artist that wants to take those characters and add, expand the mythology. I just wonder where it will all end?

Moving on…
So it’s a Superhero porn-parody… in 3D. This film couldn’t be more aimed at the nerd market if it tried. I’ve never seen a proper porn-parody, only bits and trailers like this one. A while ago I heard they did a Doctor Who one, and as a massive Doctor Who fan, I talked myself into how it would be ok to splash out (insert pun here) and actually order a copy. That's the genius of a porn-parody. As a fan and collector, it eats you up inside if you know it’s out there and you don’t own it. Luckily I watched a trailer first before ordering, and happily now feel I dodged a Tardis-shaped bullet on that one. It looked so bad, I realized I COULD happily live the rest of my life without ever seeing it. I wonder if there’ll ever be a Watchmen porn- parody? A parody of the famous Doctor Manhattan gang-bang scene, maybe? You’d lose a lot of money having to buy all that blue body-paint however. Unless you did the old Roger Corman trick of using sets and props twice to get two movies out of your buck. Maybe a big Doctor Manhattan gang-bang and then maybe make a Smurf porno or something. The same actress could play Silk Spectre and Smurfette?
I’m still in two minds about the whole Watchmen sequels\prequels thing. I kind of come down on the side of ‘it was written to be a stand alone book’, and ‘Watchmen without Alan Moore, just ain’t Watchmen.’ That said, Watchmen is the most important graphic novel of all time (in the Superhero genre, that is.) There’s a good chance we may talk about characters like Rorschach or Doctor Manhattan in a hundred years, in the same way we talk about Sherlock Holmes or Dracula these days. Owning that Golden Goose and not being able to help yourself to those Golden Eggs must be driving DC mad. If all DC have got to do is step on Alan Moore’s toes, I do think it’s more of a case of when, rather then if. I’m not sure how much it’ll really gonna bug Alan Moore. I think I heard he doesn’t even own a copy of Watchmen anymore. Plus, he’s spent recent years writing books full of other writer’s characters I.E. Lost Girls, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Neonomicon. It most of crossed his mind that sooner or later other writers would come for his. In most cases, people wait for the writer to die (giving him\her a good reason to turn in their grave), is twenty-five years long enough? Some would say it’s a miracle DC waited that long.
To sum up. I don’t really think you really need sequels or prequels to Watchmen, but I ain’t gonna be nailing babies to church doors in protest. It would be nice to see Dave Gibbons draw Rorschach again, if nothing else. I guess Watchmen has got to the point where it’s such an iconic story, and what with it being twenty-five years old now, there’s a whole generation of writers and artist that wants to take those characters and add, expand the mythology. I just wonder where it will all end?

Moving on…
So it’s a Superhero porn-parody… in 3D. This film couldn’t be more aimed at the nerd market if it tried. I’ve never seen a proper porn-parody, only bits and trailers like this one. A while ago I heard they did a Doctor Who one, and as a massive Doctor Who fan, I talked myself into how it would be ok to splash out (insert pun here) and actually order a copy. That's the genius of a porn-parody. As a fan and collector, it eats you up inside if you know it’s out there and you don’t own it. Luckily I watched a trailer first before ordering, and happily now feel I dodged a Tardis-shaped bullet on that one. It looked so bad, I realized I COULD happily live the rest of my life without ever seeing it. I wonder if there’ll ever be a Watchmen porn- parody? A parody of the famous Doctor Manhattan gang-bang scene, maybe? You’d lose a lot of money having to buy all that blue body-paint however. Unless you did the old Roger Corman trick of using sets and props twice to get two movies out of your buck. Maybe a big Doctor Manhattan gang-bang and then maybe make a Smurf porno or something. The same actress could play Silk Spectre and Smurfette?
Saturday, 24 December 2011
Merry Xmas.
Well… I’m signing off for now. Be back soon. All that is left for me to do is wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS, and nothing says that better then a flashing Santa. Staged or real? You decide.
Hope you’re having, and continue to have, a great Xmas. You know it’s two hours and forty-five minutes until the big day… I should really start wrapping some presents and filling in some Christmas-Cards for tomorrow. I’m not sure how much later I can really leave it.

Friday, 23 December 2011
The Season Of Giving.

Here’s an unexpected Xmas treat I came across last night. An Xmas episode of Utter Shambles with guest Mark Gatiss and Alan Moore. Talking about what’s on TV in the UK this year over Christmas, and Xmas horror films amongst other things. I listened to it earlier while getting some last minute inking done and enjoyed it a lot. It was a real out-of-the-blue Christmas treat.
Thursday, 22 December 2011
So… last night I kind of got going with my Dario Argento Xmas (yeah, that’s still happening. Get on board or fall under wheels, baby.) A couple of months ago I was reading the Creepy Presents: Bernie Wrightson collection that Dark Horse just put out. The creepiest story by far was the reverse Beauty And The Beast story ‘Jenifer.’ It’s hard to say what the scariest short-story I’ve ever read is, as I’ve read a fair few, but Jenifer would have to be a contender. It’s a very unsettling tale, and with Bernie Wrightson doing the art, it packs a hell of a punch. I was always curious as to what Dario Argento had done for the Masters Of Horror TV show from a few years back, so when I recently found out he had done an adaptation of Jenifer, I knew I had to check it out. I’ve noticed reviews have been mixed. I think it maybe one of those horror tales that is so freaky, it puts half the audience off even if they watched it and it scared them. It’s a curse I’ve noticed more and more of late. Some times a horror story can do it’s job a little too well. Something can be so upsetting, people want to distant themselves from it (the best example I can think of is Human Centipede. I was standing in a HMV a few months back, when I spied a freshly released copy of Human Centipede 2 on the shelf, but wouldn‘t touch it, partly because there was a cute girl a few feet down from me who I didn‘t want to see me handling such filth. I haven‘t even plucked up the nerve to watch the first one yet.) Not that this adaptation of Jenifer is perfect. The story takes a couple of missteps once or twice, but that said, I thought was true enough that it’s well worth a watch, even if it does come up a tiny bit short compared to the original story. Also, if some people found this story a bit much, what would they have thought if they had left in the monster blow-job scene, or the wang munching scene? Two scenes that a lot of people are probably glad are deleted.
Speaking of things that are too scary. I’m gonna have to face the fact that I’m avoiding a certain DVD in my unwatched pile. It’s been sitting there, bottom of the pile, for probably over a year now. So many other horror movies have come and gone and this DVD is still not even unwrapped. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Teeth and yet always pass it over when I go to watch a new DVD. I wonder what it is about a movie about a vagina with teeth that on some level I find off putting? I’m gonna have to man up and put it on sooner or later. For too long I’ve been kidding myself that I’m not avoiding it and just haven’t felt like watching it.
Speaking of things that are too scary. I’m gonna have to face the fact that I’m avoiding a certain DVD in my unwatched pile. It’s been sitting there, bottom of the pile, for probably over a year now. So many other horror movies have come and gone and this DVD is still not even unwrapped. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Teeth and yet always pass it over when I go to watch a new DVD. I wonder what it is about a movie about a vagina with teeth that on some level I find off putting? I’m gonna have to man up and put it on sooner or later. For too long I’ve been kidding myself that I’m not avoiding it and just haven’t felt like watching it.
Sunday, 18 December 2011
When You Gotta Go.

The fact that there is only going to be half as much Doctor Who next year and not until later in the year is a bit of a kick in the balls, but in these dark, dark days, half a season is better than nothing. Also, finding out today that a classic Doctor Who story I’ve been waiting years and years to get released is finally getting put out softens the pain, too. It’s been a long time coming.
Friday, 16 December 2011
Claws And Flaws.
Wow… are they really running these ads in comics or did I just fall for an online hoax? It’s hard to tell these days. I don’t live near a comic-book shop, so I can’t check them out for myself to see if they‘re real or not. I wonder what fan-girl reaction has been like for these ads? Not knowing any, sadly, I can only guess. Heart in the right place? Or smut posing as a good cause? I guess time will tell. You can’t get too mad at this ad (can you?) if the worse it does is generate buzz around awareness of breast cancer. You’d think Catwoman would take the claws off first. She really does live dangerously if she gives herself breast exams while wearing those. She’s hardcore. I look forward to all the numerous parodies these ads will no doubt kick up.
Sticking with my Dario Argento themed Christmas. I’ve not really been holding out much hope for his forthcoming Dracula 3D. I’ve seen a lot of Dracula movies of late and maybe it’s just me being burnt out on that particular story (hell, I even read the cliffs notes for Dracula this year.) But after watching the new trailer that’s just been released, it’s jump the list to film I most want to see in 2012. I just hope I get the chance to see it in 3D. I’ve got a nasty feeling the only way I will, is if I make some great trek across the UK to some arty cinema somewhere. I doubt they’ll release it on DVD in 3D. If a horror movie was made in 3D, then it’s not unreasonable to want a 3D home copy (yes, I’m looking at you Flesh For Frankenstein.) This trailer also makes me long for the days when woman would bathe by one standing naked in a small bowl, while another would slowly and gently wash her all over, while trying to push any strange and exciting lesbian thoughts from her mind. Did woman ever really bathe like this, or is it something that movies just made up? Curse whoever invented the shower. This film does look like it has the flaw of that trend of a sexy Dracula, however. I wonder why films seem so against showing Dracula as an ugly-bugly. Or old? I should also add, I do have a massive crush on Asia Argento. A little bit kinky, a little bit kooky. She works for me on a lot of levels. Wikipedia also says she’s agoraphobic, which is perfect for me, as I’m always stuck in doors drawing anyway and barely leave the house myself. We could be socially-awkward together.
Dear Amazon (the company, not the rain forest), I know it’s nearly Christmas, but do you have to Email every other hour trying to get me to buy more stuff? I’ve done my Xmas shopping this year, let it go. Take Xmas off and we’ll meet up for the January sales.
Sticking with my Dario Argento themed Christmas. I’ve not really been holding out much hope for his forthcoming Dracula 3D. I’ve seen a lot of Dracula movies of late and maybe it’s just me being burnt out on that particular story (hell, I even read the cliffs notes for Dracula this year.) But after watching the new trailer that’s just been released, it’s jump the list to film I most want to see in 2012. I just hope I get the chance to see it in 3D. I’ve got a nasty feeling the only way I will, is if I make some great trek across the UK to some arty cinema somewhere. I doubt they’ll release it on DVD in 3D. If a horror movie was made in 3D, then it’s not unreasonable to want a 3D home copy (yes, I’m looking at you Flesh For Frankenstein.) This trailer also makes me long for the days when woman would bathe by one standing naked in a small bowl, while another would slowly and gently wash her all over, while trying to push any strange and exciting lesbian thoughts from her mind. Did woman ever really bathe like this, or is it something that movies just made up? Curse whoever invented the shower. This film does look like it has the flaw of that trend of a sexy Dracula, however. I wonder why films seem so against showing Dracula as an ugly-bugly. Or old? I should also add, I do have a massive crush on Asia Argento. A little bit kinky, a little bit kooky. She works for me on a lot of levels. Wikipedia also says she’s agoraphobic, which is perfect for me, as I’m always stuck in doors drawing anyway and barely leave the house myself. We could be socially-awkward together.
Dear Amazon (the company, not the rain forest), I know it’s nearly Christmas, but do you have to Email every other hour trying to get me to buy more stuff? I’ve done my Xmas shopping this year, let it go. Take Xmas off and we’ll meet up for the January sales.
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Lie, Lie, Lie.
Can’t get this song out of my head (so beware before pressing that play button. It’s like a sound-parasite.) I heard it on the credits to Fear Itself. Right now I’m really into TV horror anthologies. That seems to be my latest itch. There wasn’t a UK release of Fear Itself, but I found a foreign, region 2 complete box-set. No idea what the blurb on the box says and for some reason I have to turn off foreign subtitles ever time an episode starts, but hey, at least it works. I was just going post the intro to Fear Itself, but being an American TV show, for some reason it’s embed code is disabled. I don’t know why, I’ve notices a lot of U.S. shows do it on YouTube (for example, I’ve been dieing for ages to post this Robot Chicken\Friday The 13th video.) So I’ll post the actual song above, but you can check out the Fear Itself intro here. If you can listen to this and don’t get it stuck in your head, you’re tougher than I am.
As for Fear Itself. Really loved the first episode. Had Vampires, that kinky chick off the first season of Californication. There’s a lot to like about the first episode. The next three were ok. A bit of a come down after the first. The next episode ’Eater’ is meant to be the best of the series. It’s also meant to be based on an episode of some UK Channel 5 horror show called Urban Gothic from 2001. Ring any bells? Me neither. Tried looking it up online, but no luck. Channel 5 are a bit shit at making their back-catalogue available.
As for Fear Itself. Really loved the first episode. Had Vampires, that kinky chick off the first season of Californication. There’s a lot to like about the first episode. The next three were ok. A bit of a come down after the first. The next episode ’Eater’ is meant to be the best of the series. It’s also meant to be based on an episode of some UK Channel 5 horror show called Urban Gothic from 2001. Ring any bells? Me neither. Tried looking it up online, but no luck. Channel 5 are a bit shit at making their back-catalogue available.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Lost In Time.
So this happened today (or rather yesterday.) If I’m honest, it would have been great if it was episodes from other stories (like Tenth Planet or The Evil Of The Daleks or The Abominable Snowmen), but hey… it’s a step in the right direction. Considering many people said no more episodes would ever be found, it’s a little ray of hope. It says on Wikipedia that if you find one of the missing episode, that the BBC will give you a life-size Dalek… I know Wikipedia isn’t the most trustworthy source, but I so want that to be true.
Friday, 9 December 2011
Earn That Turkey.

It’s a weird period, December. Part of me wants to rush and push myself and try and get as much done before 2012 as I can. Part of me wants to slow up and enjoy what’s left of 2011. You usually get a little break around the Xmas day period. Question is, as it approaches, should you speed up or slow down? I’m not sure how I should handle the next couple of weeks, work wise. Work like a Demon or snacks and movies? After Xmas, I plan to work like a Demon, so as to take my mind off the horror that is January.
Just finished reading Neonomicon this week. Yeah, it’s got some close to the bone stuff in it, but nothing as bad as some people on the internet would have you believe. I wouldn’t recommend it if easily offended. There is at least one truly shocking scene in there. I see it’s only got average reviews and ratings online, but it’s probably one of my favourite modern Alan Moore comics. That said, if you’re not a Lovecraft fan, you might feel a bit alienated from the story. I don’t really wanna say too much about this book, as it has a couple of tricks up its sleeve and is best read cold. Because of the nature of some of the plot points in it, you don’t have to look very far online to find spoilers. I wouldn’t research it online if you hate coming across spoilers, but if you’re worried it may be a bit much for you but you want to read it, you can easily find out what to expect with a quick google search. Here’s a decent review I found that doesn’t give too much of the game away. Also, the art is excellent. I read a rumour online that this nearly got banned in the UK. If that’s true, I’m glad it didn’t. This may be the best horror-comic of 2011... That said, I’m tired and can’t remember what else was published this year, so it kind of wins by default.
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Top Five.
I think I’ve probably talked a bit about my love for Geof Darrow’s artwork on here before. Easily in my top five favourite artist of all time (that’s right, I have a top five favourite artist of all time.) It would be a crime if I didn’t post a link to this amazing interview with him about his work and career. It’s worth following this link and scrolling down just for the unused Superman\Cat Lady cover that never was. Damn you again, DC. It’s a brilliant cover.
Also this website has some amazing pod-cast interviews with some great comic-book artists that’s well worth checking out. Come to think of it, I think you can just download the interview itself as a pod-cast off this website, but then you don’t get any pretty pictures with that.
You know, since we’re on the subject of my top five artist of all time, I see Brian Bolland has just started a blog.
Also this website has some amazing pod-cast interviews with some great comic-book artists that’s well worth checking out. Come to think of it, I think you can just download the interview itself as a pod-cast off this website, but then you don’t get any pretty pictures with that.
You know, since we’re on the subject of my top five artist of all time, I see Brian Bolland has just started a blog.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
A Lone Glass Of Water.

Watchmen 2? Or by the sounds of it, prequels to Watchmen. As bad as that may sound, I’d probably read it, which is why they probably will do it. Even if the whole world slags it off and it’s another Dark Knight Strikes Again, it’s gonna sell millions. It’s like Hollywood making god-awful sequels. It’s a giant cash-cow that’s been getting fatter and fatter as the years pass. All DC has to do is commission it and ride the backlash, and there’s no way it wouldn’t return big money, even if it will probably end up more looking like A-list fan-fiction. They killed Superman. Did the unthinkable and rebooted all their comics. And worse of all, got rid of Wonder-Woman’s Hot-Pants. This is nothing to DC.
This all reminds me… I need to pick up a copy of Holy Terror. Had a quick flick through it in a book shop last week. I know the reviews have been pretty poor, but I gotta say I kind of liked the look of the art. I wanna read it myself before passing judgement. I know it’s unpopular with most, but I kind of dig Frank Miller’s new messy art style. I hear everyone saying it’s lazy and too out there, but I kind of like it. It’s just so craggy and bat-shit crazy and I get something out of it, I won’t lie.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Stabby, Stabby Xmas.
Well… it’s December the first, so there’s no getting away from it, it’s nearly Christmas. I try and ignore it in November when people are shoving it down your throat, but once December comes, you can’t ignore it anymore. Nope…
This year I’m having a Dario Argento Christmas. I’ve just ordered a few of his movies to watch over the holiday period. Partly as because as a horror fan, Argento is a bit of a blind-spot for me and Xmas would be a good time to dive in and check out his work and correct that. Also partly just my way of trying to stimulate the Italian economy. I’m not sure why I went this route? I was just doing my Xmas shopping online, late Monday night, and it dawn on me that’s how I should handle this year’s Xmas. A few Dario Argento DVDs, Vodka (stimulating the Russian economy), and plenty of snacks. This is my plan for the holiday season this year… also, maybe that really cool, new book on film Monsters by John Landis.
If that’s what I’m getting this year, here’s what I imagine all the girls will be after this Christmas. I can just see it ending up with her and Action Man held up in a boarded up Doll’s House, while Zombie My Little Ponies roam about outside waiting to attack.
This year I’m having a Dario Argento Christmas. I’ve just ordered a few of his movies to watch over the holiday period. Partly as because as a horror fan, Argento is a bit of a blind-spot for me and Xmas would be a good time to dive in and check out his work and correct that. Also partly just my way of trying to stimulate the Italian economy. I’m not sure why I went this route? I was just doing my Xmas shopping online, late Monday night, and it dawn on me that’s how I should handle this year’s Xmas. A few Dario Argento DVDs, Vodka (stimulating the Russian economy), and plenty of snacks. This is my plan for the holiday season this year… also, maybe that really cool, new book on film Monsters by John Landis.
If that’s what I’m getting this year, here’s what I imagine all the girls will be after this Christmas. I can just see it ending up with her and Action Man held up in a boarded up Doll’s House, while Zombie My Little Ponies roam about outside waiting to attack.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Knock, Knock.

Couple of things I found out this week. First… you CAN find the theme tune from Demons on iTunes (you have to spell it Demoni.) Also this week, just read my second ever 3D comic. Read a 3D converted copy of Danger Girl issue #1 about eight years ago. And now I’ve just finished reading Crossed 3D. Kind of dug it. A lot of people don’t like Crossed (what, with the raping and debauchery… this time in 3D), but I think horror and 3D have a special relationship. They bring out the best in each other. I was kind of hoping this would be the start of a wave of 3D horror comics, but a quick search shows there’s next to no other 3D comics I can find. So sadly it doesn’t look like 3D will take over comics like it did with films. I think it’s a shame. I could really go for some 3D horror, comics fade. At some point this coming weekend, I’m gonna give the internet a good search and see if I can find any decent 3D web-comics. It’s gotta be out there, right? Big wave, just round the corner? Yeah… probably not. It may just be wishful thinking on my part.
Have a short comic-strip I’m thinking of trying to convert to 3D. It’s just finding the time to get on Photoshop and play around with it. Finding time to do a decent job of converting it to 3D. Watching a lot of youTube videos to see how other people are doing it. I’ve done a bit of 3D work a couple of years back (see HERE and HERE) and have a system, but there’s always a good chance someone else has a better and faster route. I’m no computer wiz-kid, not by a long shot.
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
The British Mario.
Just posted the first full page from Issue #3 on my DeviantArt page. Won’t be posting any other pages from Issue #3 until well into 2012, but for now, here’s the first one. Enjoy. I’m really looking forward to wrapping up Issue #3 in early(ish) 2012.
Wow, like I didn’t feel bad enough for not owning an iPad already, this happens. God, I love those old Dizzy games as a tiny kid. The hours of my youth spent playing them. Having to load a video-game off a cassette and the crazy sounds a Commodore 64 would make while loading. Like music to my ears. Good times. I’m just gonna dump a video here of my favourite Dizzy game and leave. Twenty-nine is too young to be walking down memory lane, right?I wonder how my eight year old self would feel, knowing Doctor Who’s back on TV (and better then ever) and there’s a new Dizzy game? Also… I wonder if an egg with boxing-gloves for hands will cut it with modern gamers?
Wow, like I didn’t feel bad enough for not owning an iPad already, this happens. God, I love those old Dizzy games as a tiny kid. The hours of my youth spent playing them. Having to load a video-game off a cassette and the crazy sounds a Commodore 64 would make while loading. Like music to my ears. Good times. I’m just gonna dump a video here of my favourite Dizzy game and leave. Twenty-nine is too young to be walking down memory lane, right?I wonder how my eight year old self would feel, knowing Doctor Who’s back on TV (and better then ever) and there’s a new Dizzy game? Also… I wonder if an egg with boxing-gloves for hands will cut it with modern gamers?
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Sunday Schlock.

I think I’m going try and hunt down a copy of a film called Life-Force this week. I heard about it on a pod-cast this week and now I have to see this film. Sexy, space Vampires AND Zombies in London..? SOLD. I’m a big Dan O’Bannon fan. I know this film won’t be amazing or it would be better known, but from what I’ve heard and watching the trailer, it’s something I need to see.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
God, I Miss The 80’s.
Season 23 is probably (actually, there’s no probably about it… IS) the worst season in Doctor Who’s history. It’s got very little going for it. That said, I always thought that season’s theme tune is criminally over looked. It only got used for one season, which I think is a shame, as it’s one of my favourite takes on the Who theme. It’s like the great chill-out version that never was. Play it in the early hours of the morning, when you’re in that sleep deprived, slightly trippy head-space (that‘s my favourite head-space), maybe with a nice caffeine and\or sugar buzz going on. It’s a nice winter warmer for you.
Friday, 11 November 2011
Meanwhile… Behind Your Back.

I’m going to leave the word balloon on this and the next panel that follows it, as I don’t think it gives anything away that the panel itself doesn’t. Plus I’ve been meaning to show off a bit of my lettering for a while now. I can’t for the life of me remember if I’ve previously posted any lettered panels before? I’m leaning more towards I probably haven’t. Hopefully I’ll remember to post more after these two. Hunt out a couple of nice spoiler-free ones.
Heard this song on a pod-cast in the week. A song I haven’t heard for years and years. I was working pretty late and when this came on it lifted my mood greatly. Such a good song. It was a nice moment in a really busy week.
Thursday, 10 November 2011
Saturday, 5 November 2011
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Back To The Bar.

One of the movies I watched over my recent Halloween binge weekend, was a British Werewolf movie called The Beast Must Die. I’ve got a soft spot for good Werewolf movies, but they’re hard to find. They’re a lot harder to come by then good Vampire or Zombie movies. This film is like a really good Werewolf movie, with a really bad Werewolf as the star (an Alsatian painted black, I kid you not.) Thank God for the 80’s and The Howling and American Werewolf In London. Even a really bad Werewolf make-up job (and there’s plenty about) is better then a dog painted black. In fact, I tend to be more forgiving with bad Werewolf special effects, as it’s not as easy as slapping in fake fangs or funky contact lenses like with Zombies Or Vampires. But dyed dogs aside, actually, pretty good movie. It’s different, I’ll give it that. With its 30 second pause so you can try and guess who the Werewolf is at the end.
Monday, 31 October 2011
Happy Halloween (Kind Of…)

I hope this sketchbook doodle finds some love out there (I think this is the first thing I’ve posted from my recent sketchbook.) Anyhoo…enjoy and hope you’re having an awesome Halloween.
Saturday, 29 October 2011
Bar Scene.

God, I wish I could attend this. That would be a good way to celebrate Halloween. I’m a big fan of Nosferatu. I also love the late 70’s Herzog’s remake. That look is a monster design classic. I might have to pop on my copy at some point this Halloween weekend. It’s not a hard film to come by online, should you want something a bit different then Halloween: Resurrection on Monday night.
Wednesday, 26 October 2011
Halloween Havoc.
I like to try and enjoy Halloween as much as I can. It’s my kind of holiday. It’s a good excuse to eat pop-corn and watch loads of horror movies (yes… that is pretty much what I try and do all year round, but at Halloween, it’s official.) Had a nasty thought at the weekend that UK TV could be really bad on Halloween. That Halloween night might be a bit of a let down when it comes to good horror movies, and so I did a bit of panic-buying online and ordered a few films. A couple of oldie Universal monster movies, a Amicus classic, and what I hear is a very good modern horror movie from a year or two back, that’s meant to have a terrible, terrible ending (that’s terrible as in not very good.) I then got buyers-remorse at ordering this small pile of DVDs and not trusting my own TV services to take care of me over this spooky season. Knowing my luck, the TV would be red hot with creepy treats this Halloween night and these films will remain unwatched in their boxes. That I had overreacted. When I got my TV guide today, I flicked straight to Halloween night to see if I should start to feel guilty, and what TV another version of me was going to be watching in a parallel universe that night (the version of me that had held his nerve over the weekend.) At first I thought I’d flicked to the wrong night, and quickly rechecked the date, but no. The big Halloween movie this year is Halloween: Resurrection… you know… the one with Busta Rhymes… you know… the worse one of the lot. The really, really bad one. All I’ll say is this, I REGRET NOTHING, and parallel universe me probably feels like he’s just been gut-punched.
How can TV give you Dead Set one year… and then this year, Halloween: Resurrection? For me, watching the first Halloween is a bit like watching It’s A Wonderful Life at Christmas. A nice treat, but only to be done every other year. Sticking on one of its piss-poor sequels (the worse in fact) ain’t the same thing. There’s so many good horror movies out there. Why? It’s lazy programming. You wouldn’t diss Santa like this, would ya TV? I might become a Pagan, just so I can complain and say with this gesture you have insulted my faith. Halloween 2 might have been forgivable… but Resurrection? Someone needs to be burnt in a giant Busta Rhyme’s shaped Wicker-man for this. Can you send Goat’s heads through the post?
I’m just feeling glum because I’ve got the flu. Feels like my lungs are half their normal size. I sneezed earlier today and the force and stress of the sneeze made my legs go and made me need to sit down or I‘d fall. Sad, but true. Feeling soooooooooooooo sorry for myself right about now.
How can TV give you Dead Set one year… and then this year, Halloween: Resurrection? For me, watching the first Halloween is a bit like watching It’s A Wonderful Life at Christmas. A nice treat, but only to be done every other year. Sticking on one of its piss-poor sequels (the worse in fact) ain’t the same thing. There’s so many good horror movies out there. Why? It’s lazy programming. You wouldn’t diss Santa like this, would ya TV? I might become a Pagan, just so I can complain and say with this gesture you have insulted my faith. Halloween 2 might have been forgivable… but Resurrection? Someone needs to be burnt in a giant Busta Rhyme’s shaped Wicker-man for this. Can you send Goat’s heads through the post?
I’m just feeling glum because I’ve got the flu. Feels like my lungs are half their normal size. I sneezed earlier today and the force and stress of the sneeze made my legs go and made me need to sit down or I‘d fall. Sad, but true. Feeling soooooooooooooo sorry for myself right about now.
Friday, 21 October 2011
Turn To Page 42.

I think next week, it’ll be time to move onto Issue #3.
Does anyone remember those choose your own adventure books? I used to love them as a kid. I only mention it as I came across this today while out shopping. If I was a betting man (which I am), I’d bet they’re coming back into fashion. It’s been long enough for them to be cool again. Truth be told, I love them, but I found them really stressful as a kid. I would take wrong choices really badly. I must have been a very stressed out kid, I guess, ha ha ha. I’d would feel like crap if I turned to the wrong page. I think I gave up playing them because I was such a bad loser. Having it all come down to a roll of the dice was too much for me in those days.
I do wonder how they’ve come on in recent years. The ones I grew up on were from the 80’s and early 90’s. I think I may hunt down some modern ones, if anyone knows any good books or websites, they can recommend. I’d love to have a crack at doing a sequential story in that style one day. I’ve just got this feeling that ‘choose your own adventure’ books done as sequential graphic novels are the next big thing. Sadly I don’t have the time to back that claim up but actually doing one, but… well… anyway… If it was well written and drawn, and the content was more adult, Hell… I’d read it. That said, a massive pain in the arse to put together, I bet. Maybe I’ll try and write one in my spare time and see if I can team up with another artist or something (wait… what spare time?)
On a side-note, I’ve just realized I don’t own a single dice (or should that be die?) For some reason, I found that fact kind of depressing.
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Sexy Corpses.
When did Vampires go sexy? I think that’s why I liked the movie adaptation of 30 Days Of Night from a few years back. It’s maybe the only recent Vampire movie I can think of that was scary, with creepy Vampires. That said, I do have a soft spot for True Blood. I know that’s sexy Vampires, but it kind of works well, I think.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Why Halloween Is Better Then Xmas.
I’m not sure if these are real or a hoax, but someone was certainly thinking outside the box when they designed these. (Warning: I wouldn’t say this link was X-rated, but if easily offended, best to give it a miss.)
I’ll be honest, the Bat-lip motif on the Vampire one made me laugh, first time I saw it. It’s how I imagine Vampirella’s undercarriage looks. I feel sorry for whoever had to go out and plaster-cast a Zombie’s wang, however.
I’ll be honest, the Bat-lip motif on the Vampire one made me laugh, first time I saw it. It’s how I imagine Vampirella’s undercarriage looks. I feel sorry for whoever had to go out and plaster-cast a Zombie’s wang, however.
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
Work Hard, Fail Hard.

It’s harder and harder to find good tunes to stick on my MP3 player as I get older. Of late, I’ve really been getting into Two Steps From Hell. They do all the big, epic music for trailers and things. Well worth hunting down on iTunes. Many songs claim to be epic, but these really are. See>
I’ve just bought a new brand of pencil and I get to try them out for the first time today. I’m looking forward to it wayyyyyyyyy more then I know I should. The last two new brand of pencils I tried out, turned out to be duds. I need these to be winners.
Sunday, 9 October 2011
The Devil’s Price.

I’ll start with this one. This is one where I redrew the figure in the foreground. In the scene, he’s just overheard himself being mocked by the characters in the background and this was meant to be the reaction shot. At first I thought I’d have the character being sad (this is a decision I later regretted.) As drawn, I don’t think the face shows enough of any real emotion. As time passed, I thought maybe this shot was lacking any real punch. I didn’t like the way I had drawn this shot, or felt it worked. I soon realized the reaction should have been angry and more sinister, like something was brewing in the air. The first try just looks like he mildly has the hump. Hopefully the second try indicates big trouble ahead. I have to point out that because the character in the foreground has a lazy right-eye, no matter how I drew it, it always gave the impression he was looking back over his shoulder at them. It’s weird how tricky that felt to work around some times. If I could have drawn in the left-eye on the first panel looking ahead, maybe that shot would have worked better. I’ve just had a similar problem on a recent page I’ve just drawn (Note-to-self: never write in a lazy-eyed character again. They throw up some strange problems when drawing close-ups.)
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I’ll be honest, I totally bought this book based on the title alone (you had me at Vagina.) Just finished reading it this morning. Kind of liked it. A lot better then a book called this should be. They also get extra marks for selling it at the gimmicky price of £6.66 (even if that is a tiny bit over priced for 83 pages of story.) One thing I like about this book is they make skeletons scary again. I’ve gotta give it extra marks for that, too.
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
It’s Funny Because It’s True.
I think I’m gonna have to check out Community when they finally put it out on DVD in the UK. I want Chevy Chase back in my life. It’s been too long.
Thursday, 29 September 2011
RedRum 2.

A sequel to The Shining with Vampires? I’d read that. I like that Stephen King returns to certain characters. I know the idea of this book has been getting some negative feedback, but I like the sound of it. For a start, I’ve always wanted to see King write another Vampire novel after Salem’s Lot. It’s something I’m looking forward to, myself.
Monday, 26 September 2011
First Trailer.
Wow, that was quick. Here is the first John Dies At The End trailer released today. First thoughts… Looks pretty awesome. I’m glad they kept the Meat-Man scene.
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Sunday Schlock.

I haven’t seen a good Zombie flick for a while. The Zombie well that was overflowing a few years ago is maybe starting to run a bit dry. That said, I’m keeping an eye out for this one. Just as you thought Zombies couldn’t get any scarier. This film is really worse case scenario.
ZOMBINLADEN The Axis Of Evil Dead by Zmbldn
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
First Look.
Just been looking at the first images from the forthcoming adaptation of John Dies At The End that were released today. Finished reading the original novel a week or two ago, and that’s going to be one hard book to bring to the screen. Hopefully they’ll pull it off. I think these first pics look promising. I hope we’re not too far off getting a trailer soon.
Friday, 16 September 2011
Misfits Series 3.
I’ll be honest, I don’t read or watch much in the Superhero genre these days. I stuck with Heroes till the last season, and I’ll pick up the odd Superhero graphic novel here-and-there, but there’s nothing I’m really following cape wise at the moment (except maybe the forthcoming Nolan, Batman film.) I haven’t seen any of this Summer’s big Superhero blockbusters, or felt that bad about missing them. The only new Superhero themed thing I’ve really liked in the last couple of years is Misfits (oh… and maybe Kick Ass… and I kind of liked Nemesis, too.), but Misfits I really got in to. I’m not sure when it’s going to be on, but if they’re already releasing trailers, it can’t be too far off. Hopefully that will be my big Superhero fix for this year until Batman is released next Summer. I also hear Batman: Under The Red Hood is worth checking out too. I may have to hunt down a copy of that, even if it does have Robin in it. God, I hate Robin. I don’t get sidekicks.
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Group Shot.

Was watching The Cottage late last night while inking. Had it on so I could listen to the commentary track as I worked. I’ve seen it a couple of times now and I think it’s a pretty solid horror flick. Nice mix of horror and comedy (which as I’ve said before is a hard trick to pull off.) It’s a bit like American Werewolf In London in vibe. The story itself is more along the lines of Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It’s one horror flick I kind of would like to see a sequel to. The Farmer could be like a British Leatherface or something.
Saturday, 10 September 2011
Spotting Something Sinister.

Just tried Cherry Lucozade for the first time today. It’s good. It’s like sugary, liquidity heroin or something. I kind of regret trying it, as I’m probably going to get hooked on the stuff now. If it gets too bad I’ll try and wean myself off it with real heroin or something.
Wednesday, 7 September 2011
Liberatore Tumblr.
I’m a massive fan of Tanino Liberatore, but it can be a nightmare trying to get a hold of his artwork in the UK. That’s why I’ve really been enjoying this new Tumblr, recently.
I wonder if he really does colour his artwork using make-up, or is that just an urban legend? I so want that myth to be true. His colours are bizarre, I could happily believe it.
I wonder if he really does colour his artwork using make-up, or is that just an urban legend? I so want that myth to be true. His colours are bizarre, I could happily believe it.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
So Far, So Awesome.

Above is my latest panel. This shot will be a bit of a call back to an earlier shot at the start of Issue #2.
As the nights get longer and cooler, I can get back into reading at night again (over the last few years, I’ve really come to hate Summer nights.) I’ve already stocked up on a small pile of books. At the moment I’m reading the much hyped John Dies @ The End. Not an easy book to find, but I did manage to track down a lone copy at my local Waterstones before the weekend (the UK cover looks like this by the way.) I’ve read a lot about this book online and had been planning to read it for a while. One of the things people say about it that intrigued me, was both how funny and scary it is. Being both funny and scary is a hard mix. They have a nasty habit of cancelling each other out. It can be done, but it’s a fine line. It’s a rare, rare trick if someone can pull it off, but I’m a hundred pages in, and so far this book is getting away with it. I have both laughed and been freaked out by this book. I’m hoping by saying all this, I haven’t jinx it and it’s going to go off the boil before the end, now. So far, to give it credit, it’s living up to the hype.
Speaking of living in hope… My nasty habit of ordering cheap schlock* DVDs on the weekend, means I’ll probably be watching this movie tonight. Judging by the trailer, I’m bracing myself for the worse. Is this the best, worse movie trailer of all time?
*I’m not Jewish, but I’m totally going to try and bring the word “schlock” into my day-to-day vocabulary.
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Full Page.
Just posted a full page from Issue #2 on DeviantArt. That makes it three pages from Issue #1, and now three pages from Issue #2 to be posted there.
The latest page can be found HERE.
I’m well into Issue #3 now, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to post as many panels and pages from the final two issues. Everything kind of comes to ahead in these last two, and there’s hardly any pages that aren’t choked full of spoilers. I guess I’ll have to figure that out in the not too distant future. Until then, enjoy what I think might be one of the creepiest pages so far.
The latest page can be found HERE.
I’m well into Issue #3 now, but I’m not sure I’ll be able to post as many panels and pages from the final two issues. Everything kind of comes to ahead in these last two, and there’s hardly any pages that aren’t choked full of spoilers. I guess I’ll have to figure that out in the not too distant future. Until then, enjoy what I think might be one of the creepiest pages so far.
Thursday, 25 August 2011
The Eyes Have It.

I should also point out, on a side-note, that the character has a lazy eye. Just in case you thought I sucked at lining up eyes.
Looking forward to watching this tonight as part of the Fright Fest season on FilmFour.
Monday, 22 August 2011
I Saw The Devil.
I need to see this film. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. I went online last night to order it and ended ordering Candyman and the 70’s BBC adaptation of Dracula instead. How did that happen? (probably because those DVDs were both cheaper.) I need to re-watch Old Boy again, soon, too. Such a good film.
Friday, 19 August 2011
Such A Nerd.

Also I forgot to mention I tarted up my Sushi-Girl picture on DeviantArt yesterday. Replaced the crappy line-work from an A4 scan with the original artwork. Also, on my laptop the colours looked a bit bright so I took them down a bit. They looked just right on my Mac, but whenever I transfer them over, the colours seem to go really bright for some reason. Colour balance is my new ultimate foe.
Was enjoy this new Tumblr I came across this morning. Hot Chicks Misidentifying As Nerds. I haven’t met a genuine hot nerdy girl for a while now. I’m starting to think they’re like the tooth fairy or big foot. Or worse yet, just moved on to the next fad. I’m not sure if ‘Geek Chic’ ever really caught on in the UK. I’m not seeing a lot of this when I’m out and about. Sadly, my faith is waning. Come on, Cosmos, prove me wrong. I want to be proved wrong.
Here my ’such a nerd’ story. I’m such a nerd that over the past few days, I’ve just been reading the fuck out of Stephen King’s Cell (a 473 page book which I started late Monday and finished late last night.) I’ve spent so many hours this week laying on my bed with my upper body resting against my head-board at a weird angle, that I now have unbelievable neck and back pains. I can’t turn my head left or right without it ending in agony, and I can’t lift my arms above shoulder level. I couldn’t even turn over last night in bed. And sod’s law, I don’t seem to be able to reach the problem areas with my trusty tube of Deep Heat.
Word to the wise, if you really are doing something nerdy, you’ll know because it usually ends with you not coming out of that situation looking so great.
It was a good book. however, which is somewhat of a consolation. It’s kind of weird reading a Zombie post-apocalyptic story where the main character is a comic-book artist. Thanks to this book, I’d be rubbish in a Zombie waste-land, right now. I couldn’t move my head left or right to check for oncoming Zombies. Climbing, aiming a gun or swinging a blunt-object is probably not on the cards for the next couple days, either.
Thursday, 18 August 2011
If I Had To Pick.
I go through a lot of Podcasts in a single week. I can usually tell how much work I’ve put in that week, just by how many Podcasts I’ve gone through. I’ll start the week with about twelve, thirteen and I’ll be lucky if I have any left by the end of the week. But if I had to pick my favourite one, it would probably be this one. They’re so good, they’re the only Podcast I’ll re-listen to every so often. I’ve listened to the Mark Gatiss and Edgar Wright ones a few times, now.
Is it wrong that I think this movie actually looks quite good?
Is it wrong that I think this movie actually looks quite good?
Sunday, 14 August 2011
Take 2.

I maybe spent a bit longer on this then planned, and to be honest there’s still a couple of things looking at it now I’d change. I find so little time for colouring up my artwork that it would be nice to start hooking up and seeing if I can get proper colourist maybe colouring a few pieces down the line. Or in the future, free up a giant space of time and really have a go at becoming an awesome colourist, failing that. I had such a blast doing this one, if I could spare the time, I’d have another crack on one of my other Pin-ups.
DeviantArt copy HERE.
Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Pen Play.

There’s also some water colour pencils and fluorescence pens going on in the mix. I thought I might scan it in and colour the background on computer, but after playing around for an hour or two with it, I just couldn’t get the balance right and it always looked a bit off, no matter what I tried. So I’ll post it CG free. I was going to paint in the background with water colour paint, but it’s just normal printer paper and would go all horrible. I didn’t really have a back up plan when the computer colouring didn’t pan out.
I’m fairly happy with bits of it, and plan to try and master the marker. For my first real try, I thought there was some nice stuff going on. At one scary point I thought I’d messed up the mouth, which I had left till last and would have meant all the time colouring the rest first was for nothing. But thankfully, I think I managed to pull it back to looking half-decent at least.
Sunday, 7 August 2011
Best Laid Plans.

Didn’t help that this week also, both my MP3 player and TV started to give me major technical problems. I think I’ve got round my MP3 player problem for the time being, but it looks like I’ll have to replace my TV. Which is both really annoying and a tiny bit exciting (I made myself a promise that every time I have to replace my TV, I’d numb the pain somewhat by adding some extra inches to the screen-size. I’m a man, and that’s the kind of promises we make to ourselves.) Not to happy about this latest dent in the bank-account however. Had been trying to put some money away.
Wednesday, 3 August 2011
Just A Thought.
I try not to get too nerdy on this blog and keep those nasty, geeky thoughts to myself, but here’s one I just have to put out there. Wouldn’t Nikolai Valuev of been an awesome Bane in the upcoming Batman movie? Just look at him. The guy shaves with an axe for God sake. If ever a man was born to play that part, it’s him. I know the actor who is playing him is very good, but when you see those shots of Bane being the same height as Batman, it just feels wrong. You want him to be a giant, like in the comics.
Anyway, I guess that’s neither here nor there, and technically it would just be stunt casting. Probably better to stick with real actors. But still…
Anybody wanting a follow up on my last post, I walked pass those mystery bags again on Monday. They were strangely still there, only now looking a little bit lighter (but not that much lighter) and a bit ravaged. The A4 note now had written at the bottom “To take away.” So it either wasn’t porn and the dirty trick hadn’t worked, or people were just going through the bags and taking what they considered to be the good stuff. To take someone’s second-hand porn is a bit iffy… but to sit there in the open, cherry-picking the best mags, is just bizarre. It makes something grotty, even grottier. The guy even put them in nice, fancy cotton bags.
Anyway, I guess that’s neither here nor there, and technically it would just be stunt casting. Probably better to stick with real actors. But still…
Anybody wanting a follow up on my last post, I walked pass those mystery bags again on Monday. They were strangely still there, only now looking a little bit lighter (but not that much lighter) and a bit ravaged. The A4 note now had written at the bottom “To take away.” So it either wasn’t porn and the dirty trick hadn’t worked, or people were just going through the bags and taking what they considered to be the good stuff. To take someone’s second-hand porn is a bit iffy… but to sit there in the open, cherry-picking the best mags, is just bizarre. It makes something grotty, even grottier. The guy even put them in nice, fancy cotton bags.
Saturday, 30 July 2011
It’s A Kind Of Recycling.

I like the fact that who ever did this, thought writing “porn” was a bit much, so put down “hardcore” to be slightly less sleazy (probably was someone from those middle class flats, with their fancy, cotton bags.) Also the second word “clean” is a bit cringe-worthy. The fact that they made a point of writing down it was, makes me think maybe they weren‘t. With the schools breaking up this week, this guy’s (or girl‘s… but I’d say probably a guy) timing is good. Some lucky kids are going to have the best start to their Summer Holiday ever.
Much like the phantom man that leaves fancy bags of seedy mags (to be fair, anything could have been in those bags. Hardcore might not mean porn. Maybe they were really, really, hard Maths books or something.) I’m just gonna dump this latest panel here and see if it finds any love from passing strangers.
I wonder if that guy dumped his dirty stash because he’s gone digital? These days with the grotty internet, there’s something almost classy about a porn mag. Where once they were shoved in hedges, now you could probably get away with having them in your sitting room on a bookshelf.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Angry Birds Go Home.
I remember hearing everyone talking about Angry Birds a few months back. There had been so much hype that when I finally got to play it myself, I felt a little let down. It’s not a bad game or anything, it was just maybe a bit average for something that the whole world seemed to be talking about. It’s a playable game, but not something I could see people going back to in years to come. I guess I’m saying I don’t get the hype it managed to generate. For example, here a Flash game I’ve been playing loads lately that I think is wayyyyyy better. It’s in the same aim-n-click style, but is a much better game. Also the music sound like something off a cheap chill-out album, but kind of works.
I reached a depressing age where I had to give proper gaming the boot a few years back. Partly cost, partly because I couldn’t free up enough spare time that gaming needs. I’d say most of my friends are gamers and hearing them talk just makes me feel so out-of-the-loop. I can go months and months with out playing a video game these days, so it’s not worth me coughing up all that money for a 360 or PS3. Now-a-days, a quick go on a Flash game is the closes I get.
Any online Flash game recommendations or good websites are welcomed. I saw World Of Tanks reviewed on a TV program recently and I won’t lie, I’m tempted. I know it’s pretty popular right now. Also I just like to think there’ll be some glitch in it so you can invade World Of Warcraft with World Of Tanks (right now, I’m just picturing a bunch of orks and wizards standing around in shock as a giant line of Tanks come rolling over a digital hill.)
I reached a depressing age where I had to give proper gaming the boot a few years back. Partly cost, partly because I couldn’t free up enough spare time that gaming needs. I’d say most of my friends are gamers and hearing them talk just makes me feel so out-of-the-loop. I can go months and months with out playing a video game these days, so it’s not worth me coughing up all that money for a 360 or PS3. Now-a-days, a quick go on a Flash game is the closes I get.
Any online Flash game recommendations or good websites are welcomed. I saw World Of Tanks reviewed on a TV program recently and I won’t lie, I’m tempted. I know it’s pretty popular right now. Also I just like to think there’ll be some glitch in it so you can invade World Of Warcraft with World Of Tanks (right now, I’m just picturing a bunch of orks and wizards standing around in shock as a giant line of Tanks come rolling over a digital hill.)
Sunday, 24 July 2011
Home, Sweet Home.

Issue #3 is well underway now. This crappy English weather has been a good excuse to just stay in and work. Hopefully, all this hard work means if the Sun ever does decide to show it’s face again this Summer, I’ve free up enough time to actually go out and enjoy it. I hope it’s one of those Summers where you get a burst of decent weather towards the tail-end in August. I’d hate to think Britain’s had all the Sun we’re gonna get this year, already.
Also, I’ve been working up some ideas and doodles in my sketchbook, some of which I may post soon. I’ve just got to work out the settings on my new scanner first. I didn’t set out to buy a new scanner, but for some reason, when I bought a new printer a few months back it had one built in on top. I should really see if it actually works at some point.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
That’s For Guy Gardner.
EMBED-Batman Beatdown On Vegas Strip - Watch more free videos I know this isn’t really Batman, partly because Batman doesn’t grab his balls before a fight (although I haven’t read every Frank Miller Batman comic, so I don’t know how true that is…) but seeing someone dressed as Batman take a beating like that is truly upsetting to my inner child. My outer adult however, was just enjoying the terrible Kung-Fu on display. Those moves look dangerously close to girly slaps. If Commissioner Gordon ever came across Batman fighting like that in Gotham City, he’d just storm straight up onto that roof and dismantle that Bat-Signal. There’s no coming back from fighting like that. If you don’t know martial arts, don’t try and wing it in a fight. That guy needed a smoke-bomb or something. A Bat-a-rang, maybe?
Seeing this video has kind of killed my buzz over the new Batman trailer and all things Batman.
Friday, 15 July 2011
It’s Party Time.

Posted a copy up on Deviant art a few days ago for anyone who wants to check it out there.
Finally got around to getting an mp3 player today (or rather, today was the day it turned up in the post.) Been spending all day converting mp4’s to mp3’s and checking out the prices for a few audio books I’ve got my eye on. Turns out audio books are pretty pricey. Also, it never said it when I bought it, but it turns out it comes with the complete work’s of Shakespeare on it. What a strange time, when something can just turn out to contain an artist complete back-catalogue just on a whim. Slightly depressing in some ways. That said, I also found out it has a copy of Tetris on it, which cheered me up again. Plus the first song I downloaded off iTunes was this one. You can’t listen to this song and feel bad. Especially if you follow it up with this one.
I am really looking forward to The Thing prequel now. The new trailer has raised my hopes. It doesn’t really show any of the FX shots, and in many ways looks just as much a remake, as a prequel. But I live in hope after watching this new trailer. Just because every horror prequel I’ve seen of late has been a let down, doesn’t mean this one will be, right…? Yeah, ok, it’s probably going to be bad, I know. I can’t even think of a decent horror prequel off the top of my head.
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Decided I really need to take advantage of my sketchbook more, recently. I made sure to pick up a new one last week, while I was up the Art Shop getting Ink and Bristol Board. I spend very long periods doing the sequential side of things, and by the time I find a bit of free time to do a pin-up or two, my mind goes blank and I can‘t come up with a decent concept. It would probably be a good idea to work up ideas ahead of time. I want to push the Monster making side of things more. Come up with some nasty beasties to show off in my work. I see all those great sketchbook pages Guy Davis does, that they put in the back of B.P.R.D. graphic novels, and I realize that it’s something I should be doing more, myself. If I had some Monsters drawn in rough before hand, it would give me something to work with when it’s Pin-up time.
So I was up late buying Markers online to help me do this last night, when I came across this book. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and such a book did actually exist. I guess it was only a matter of time before some publisher did it, and it shows how mainstream it is that someone’s bringing out a “How To” book on it. I have to confess (and don’t judge me harshly…) my finger did hover over the buy button for a few seconds. My morbid sense-of-humour wanted to know how far it went and what the tone of the book was like. Dead serious? Tongue-in-cheek? Could there really be a book out there with a step-by-step guide to drawing good Tentacle Rape? This book couldn’t really be like that, right? It had to be a cop out and just be a how to draw pin-up girls in a manga style, was my bet. But at £9.69, this joke had suddenly got a bit too pricey for me. Plus the book’s in German and I’d kick myself for not being able to read the text and see how they tackled this thorny subject in the end. Also the fact that one day I’d like to visit Canada, and if Canada found out they’d break my Knee-caps and throw me in a vat of Maple Syrup for a hundred years, which is how Canada deals with perverts. What happened to you Canada? You used to be cool. I’d feel weird about being penalized by a country that made Llsa: She-Wolf Of The S.S.
So I was up late buying Markers online to help me do this last night, when I came across this book. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and such a book did actually exist. I guess it was only a matter of time before some publisher did it, and it shows how mainstream it is that someone’s bringing out a “How To” book on it. I have to confess (and don’t judge me harshly…) my finger did hover over the buy button for a few seconds. My morbid sense-of-humour wanted to know how far it went and what the tone of the book was like. Dead serious? Tongue-in-cheek? Could there really be a book out there with a step-by-step guide to drawing good Tentacle Rape? This book couldn’t really be like that, right? It had to be a cop out and just be a how to draw pin-up girls in a manga style, was my bet. But at £9.69, this joke had suddenly got a bit too pricey for me. Plus the book’s in German and I’d kick myself for not being able to read the text and see how they tackled this thorny subject in the end. Also the fact that one day I’d like to visit Canada, and if Canada found out they’d break my Knee-caps and throw me in a vat of Maple Syrup for a hundred years, which is how Canada deals with perverts. What happened to you Canada? You used to be cool. I’d feel weird about being penalized by a country that made Llsa: She-Wolf Of The S.S.
Thursday, 7 July 2011
Returning Home.

Another Issue #2 panel above.
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
All Stocked Up.
Made my annual trip to the local Art Shop today. Every few months, I have to make this trip to stock up on Ink, Bristol Board, Brushes and so on. Our local (and as far as I know only) Art Shop is in one of the roughest parts of town. It’s like a little quest I have to do three or four times a year. I hate that this shop is so far away and to get there, I have to walk through parts of town I’d rather avoid (or better yet… firebomb!) But when I return triumphant and all restocked, I still get a little giddy and a bit of a buzz off it. Doesn’t last long, but there’s something about knowing I’m all stocked up and ready to go that I like.
I’m starting to develop a real mean pet-hate about something I see more and more when I’m online. It’s when people post their photos up on the net and they’ve put on really bad Photoshop filters, so their photo is now all weird shapes and colours, and you can’t really make out what the original image is meant to be, unless this was the aim of the person posting the photo (which nine times out of ten, it wasn’t.) It’s a trap most people fall in to when they first get their hands on a copy of Photoshop and discover the filters. In the late 90’s when I was studying Graphic Design, I’ve got to confess it was maybe a trap I fell into myself a few times in the early days. You think these filters are the coolest thing in the world when you first start using Photoshop, and you can’t help yourself. I know nowadays it’s a bit of an inside joke in Design. People with their home copy of Photoshop and the need to use those horrible filters they think look so arty and edgy. Photoshop (and other Art Programs) are awesome for cleaning up, sharpening and adjusting your photos, but the photo itself is the piece of art. Putting on tacky, unneeded filters just looks garish. If you’re super skilled at Photoshop and know how to use filters without ruining your original shot, then fair enough. But otherwise, tread carefully, or better yet, step away from those shitty filters. When it comes to filter, less is more. Or better yet, none at all.
I’m starting to develop a real mean pet-hate about something I see more and more when I’m online. It’s when people post their photos up on the net and they’ve put on really bad Photoshop filters, so their photo is now all weird shapes and colours, and you can’t really make out what the original image is meant to be, unless this was the aim of the person posting the photo (which nine times out of ten, it wasn’t.) It’s a trap most people fall in to when they first get their hands on a copy of Photoshop and discover the filters. In the late 90’s when I was studying Graphic Design, I’ve got to confess it was maybe a trap I fell into myself a few times in the early days. You think these filters are the coolest thing in the world when you first start using Photoshop, and you can’t help yourself. I know nowadays it’s a bit of an inside joke in Design. People with their home copy of Photoshop and the need to use those horrible filters they think look so arty and edgy. Photoshop (and other Art Programs) are awesome for cleaning up, sharpening and adjusting your photos, but the photo itself is the piece of art. Putting on tacky, unneeded filters just looks garish. If you’re super skilled at Photoshop and know how to use filters without ruining your original shot, then fair enough. But otherwise, tread carefully, or better yet, step away from those shitty filters. When it comes to filter, less is more. Or better yet, none at all.
Friday, 1 July 2011

Wow… Just remembered why I like to keep my June and July workload light. The heat’s a killer when you’re trying to work. It got so bad I spent most of Tuesday just eating Cookie Dough Ice Cream and watching the end of Season 4 of Dexter. It was by far the best day of the week, but then I felt bad for slacking and had to work extra hard to make up for the lost time.
I’m debating in my head if I wanna try and make it to FrightFest this year. I kind of really do… but… it’s just finding the time to organize it all. I wanna have a really good stab at trying to make it up there for some of it, at least. If only for the odd movie or panel or something. Just to see what it’s like.
You know that feeling when you find a really good deal on a boxset of all the Exorcist movies online. Only when it turns up, one of the corners is damaged. At first you think one of the post office workers just drop it (the wankers!!!), but as the day wears on and the more you look at it, you swear it looks more like something’s been gnawing on it. Something hairy with tiny, sharp teeth.
Thursday, 30 June 2011
Came across this website recently called LibriVox. They do audio books of books which are now in the public domain. They’ve got works by Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, H. P. Lovecraft and many more.
Looks like I might have to bite the bullet and join the modern world and finally buy an MP3 player. I’ve been meaning to get round to trying out some audio books for a while (I knew I signed up to iTunes for some reason.) One of my big dislikes about the summer is the sun comes up too early in the morning. You start reading a good book and before you know it, the room starts getting light. My reading habits take a big dip in the summer. Hopefully this might be somewhat of a solution. Plus there’s a lot of books here I’ve struggled to get my hands on as they’re out of print.
Looks like I might have to bite the bullet and join the modern world and finally buy an MP3 player. I’ve been meaning to get round to trying out some audio books for a while (I knew I signed up to iTunes for some reason.) One of my big dislikes about the summer is the sun comes up too early in the morning. You start reading a good book and before you know it, the room starts getting light. My reading habits take a big dip in the summer. Hopefully this might be somewhat of a solution. Plus there’s a lot of books here I’ve struggled to get my hands on as they’re out of print.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Helping Hand.

There’s going to be a Wrong Turn 4? I haven’t even got round to checking out the third one yet.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Real Or Fake?
I’ve looked at this website a couple of times now and I can’t decide if it’s genuine or a gag. How easy can it really be to get your filthy mitts on panties worn by Doctor Who actresses?
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Up Hill Struggle.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011
Before Breakfast.
Came across two good Tumblrs this morning before I even got out of bed (wait… maybe I could have worded that better…)
Anyway, they were:
Geof Darrow Tumblr: The artwork of Geof Darrow. Darrow gotta be one of my favourite artist of all time. His artwork is sometimes hard to find, as because of the detail, he’s maybe not the most prolific artist. But his stuff is amazing and well worth checking out. Someone really needs to put out an art book of all his work. It’s long overdue. Check it out and see if you agree.
My Bloody Blog: Eli Roth’s Tumblr. Isn’t it about time for a new Eli Roth movie? It’s been four years since Hostel 2. I’d still love to see a full movie of Thanks Giving.
Anyway, they were:
Geof Darrow Tumblr: The artwork of Geof Darrow. Darrow gotta be one of my favourite artist of all time. His artwork is sometimes hard to find, as because of the detail, he’s maybe not the most prolific artist. But his stuff is amazing and well worth checking out. Someone really needs to put out an art book of all his work. It’s long overdue. Check it out and see if you agree.
My Bloody Blog: Eli Roth’s Tumblr. Isn’t it about time for a new Eli Roth movie? It’s been four years since Hostel 2. I’d still love to see a full movie of Thanks Giving.
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