I’m still in two minds about the whole Watchmen sequels\prequels thing. I kind of come down on the side of ‘it was written to be a stand alone book’, and ‘Watchmen without Alan Moore, just ain’t Watchmen.’ That said, Watchmen is the most important graphic novel of all time (in the Superhero genre, that is.) There’s a good chance we may talk about characters like Rorschach or Doctor Manhattan in a hundred years, in the same way we talk about Sherlock Holmes or Dracula these days. Owning that Golden Goose and not being able to help yourself to those Golden Eggs must be driving DC mad. If all DC have got to do is step on Alan Moore’s toes, I do think it’s more of a case of when, rather then if. I’m not sure how much it’ll really gonna bug Alan Moore. I think I heard he doesn’t even own a copy of Watchmen anymore. Plus, he’s spent recent years writing books full of other writer’s characters I.E. Lost Girls, League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen and Neonomicon. It most of crossed his mind that sooner or later other writers would come for his. In most cases, people wait for the writer to die (giving him\her a good reason to turn in their grave), is twenty-five years long enough? Some would say it’s a miracle DC waited that long.
To sum up. I don’t really think you really need sequels or prequels to Watchmen, but I ain’t gonna be nailing babies to church doors in protest. It would be nice to see Dave Gibbons draw Rorschach again, if nothing else. I guess Watchmen has got to the point where it’s such an iconic story, and what with it being twenty-five years old now, there’s a whole generation of writers and artist that wants to take those characters and add, expand the mythology. I just wonder where it will all end?

Moving on…
So it’s a Superhero porn-parody… in 3D. This film couldn’t be more aimed at the nerd market if it tried. I’ve never seen a proper porn-parody, only bits and trailers like this one. A while ago I heard they did a Doctor Who one, and as a massive Doctor Who fan, I talked myself into how it would be ok to splash out (insert pun here) and actually order a copy. That's the genius of a porn-parody. As a fan and collector, it eats you up inside if you know it’s out there and you don’t own it. Luckily I watched a trailer first before ordering, and happily now feel I dodged a Tardis-shaped bullet on that one. It looked so bad, I realized I COULD happily live the rest of my life without ever seeing it. I wonder if there’ll ever be a Watchmen porn- parody? A parody of the famous Doctor Manhattan gang-bang scene, maybe? You’d lose a lot of money having to buy all that blue body-paint however. Unless you did the old Roger Corman trick of using sets and props twice to get two movies out of your buck. Maybe a big Doctor Manhattan gang-bang and then maybe make a Smurf porno or something. The same actress could play Silk Spectre and Smurfette?
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