Wednesday, 13 July 2011


Decided I really need to take advantage of my sketchbook more, recently. I made sure to pick up a new one last week, while I was up the Art Shop getting Ink and Bristol Board. I spend very long periods doing the sequential side of things, and by the time I find a bit of free time to do a pin-up or two, my mind goes blank and I can‘t come up with a decent concept. It would probably be a good idea to work up ideas ahead of time. I want to push the Monster making side of things more. Come up with some nasty beasties to show off in my work. I see all those great sketchbook pages Guy Davis does, that they put in the back of B.P.R.D. graphic novels, and I realize that it’s something I should be doing more, myself. If I had some Monsters drawn in rough before hand, it would give me something to work with when it’s Pin-up time.

So I was up late buying Markers online to help me do this last night, when I came across this book. I had to rub my eyes to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and such a book did actually exist. I guess it was only a matter of time before some publisher did it, and it shows how mainstream it is that someone’s bringing out a “How To” book on it. I have to confess (and don’t judge me harshly…) my finger did hover over the buy button for a few seconds. My morbid sense-of-humour wanted to know how far it went and what the tone of the book was like. Dead serious? Tongue-in-cheek? Could there really be a book out there with a step-by-step guide to drawing good Tentacle Rape? This book couldn’t really be like that, right? It had to be a cop out and just be a how to draw pin-up girls in a manga style, was my bet. But at £9.69, this joke had suddenly got a bit too pricey for me. Plus the book’s in German and I’d kick myself for not being able to read the text and see how they tackled this thorny subject in the end. Also the fact that one day I’d like to visit Canada, and if Canada found out they’d break my Knee-caps and throw me in a vat of Maple Syrup for a hundred years, which is how Canada deals with perverts. What happened to you Canada? You used to be cool. I’d feel weird about being penalized by a country that made Llsa: She-Wolf Of The S.S.

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