Saturday, 30 July 2011

It’s A Kind Of Recycling.

I’m ashamed to admit I’m probably the last man on earth not to have a mobile with a camera built in. Every once in a while something happens to makes me regret not getting off my arse and updating my phone (like a few weeks ago, when I was lost in an unknown part of Brighton at night and would have happily killed for a GPS app or whatever they’re called.) It also happened early this morning on the way in to work. I was walking past a block of flats, when I see someone had stuck a note above what I took to be just bags of rubbish (even if the bags themselves were a bit more fancy then a normal plastic bag, and looked like they were made out of cotton or something.) The note was just a normal sheet of A4, with three words written on it in big letters. They were simply “Free… Clean… Hardcore…” It was maybe a bit too early in the morning to be hit with a shock like that. Had someone really gathered up all their old dirty mags and dumped them outside for anyone passing by to have? Did the person who did this even live in these flats (these were fairly middle-class flats.) Did “Hardcore” even mean dirty mags? Maybe these posh bags were full of second-hand sex toys looking for a new crevasse to call home? Maybe there was nothing sexy in the bags at all in the first place, and it really was just rubbish, and this was a cheap (but genius) trick to try and get rid of it?

I like the fact that who ever did this, thought writing “porn” was a bit much, so put down “hardcore” to be slightly less sleazy (probably was someone from those middle class flats, with their fancy, cotton bags.) Also the second word “clean” is a bit cringe-worthy. The fact that they made a point of writing down it was, makes me think maybe they weren‘t. With the schools breaking up this week, this guy’s (or girl‘s… but I’d say probably a guy) timing is good. Some lucky kids are going to have the best start to their Summer Holiday ever.

Much like the phantom man that leaves fancy bags of seedy mags (to be fair, anything could have been in those bags. Hardcore might not mean porn. Maybe they were really, really, hard Maths books or something.) I’m just gonna dump this latest panel here and see if it finds any love from passing strangers.

I wonder if that guy dumped his dirty stash because he’s gone digital? These days with the grotty internet, there’s something almost classy about a porn mag. Where once they were shoved in hedges, now you could probably get away with having them in your sitting room on a bookshelf.

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