Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The British Mario.

Just posted the first full page from Issue #3 on my DeviantArt page. Won’t be posting any other pages from Issue #3 until well into 2012, but for now, here’s the first one. Enjoy. I’m really looking forward to wrapping up Issue #3 in early(ish) 2012.

Wow, like I didn’t feel bad enough for not owning an iPad already, this happens. God, I love those old Dizzy games as a tiny kid. The hours of my youth spent playing them. Having to load a video-game off a cassette and the crazy sounds a Commodore 64 would make while loading. Like music to my ears. Good times. I’m just gonna dump a video here of my favourite Dizzy game and leave. Twenty-nine is too young to be walking down memory lane, right?I wonder how my eight year old self would feel, knowing Doctor Who’s back on TV (and better then ever) and there’s a new Dizzy game? Also… I wonder if an egg with boxing-gloves for hands will cut it with modern gamers?

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