I’ll start with this one. This is one where I redrew the figure in the foreground. In the scene, he’s just overheard himself being mocked by the characters in the background and this was meant to be the reaction shot. At first I thought I’d have the character being sad (this is a decision I later regretted.) As drawn, I don’t think the face shows enough of any real emotion. As time passed, I thought maybe this shot was lacking any real punch. I didn’t like the way I had drawn this shot, or felt it worked. I soon realized the reaction should have been angry and more sinister, like something was brewing in the air. The first try just looks like he mildly has the hump. Hopefully the second try indicates big trouble ahead. I have to point out that because the character in the foreground has a lazy right-eye, no matter how I drew it, it always gave the impression he was looking back over his shoulder at them. It’s weird how tricky that felt to work around some times. If I could have drawn in the left-eye on the first panel looking ahead, maybe that shot would have worked better. I’ve just had a similar problem on a recent page I’ve just drawn (Note-to-self: never write in a lazy-eyed character again. They throw up some strange problems when drawing close-ups.)
They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, but I’ll be honest, I totally bought this book based on the title alone (you had me at Vagina.) Just finished reading it this morning. Kind of liked it. A lot better then a book called this should be. They also get extra marks for selling it at the gimmicky price of £6.66 (even if that is a tiny bit over priced for 83 pages of story.) One thing I like about this book is they make skeletons scary again. I’ve gotta give it extra marks for that, too.
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