Sunday, 25 September 2011

Sunday Schlock.

Just time before the end of the week to post a new panel. Something from the very last page of Issue #2. Considering it’s just a shot of someone bending down picking something up, I kind of like this shot. That’s kind of the truth about drawing comics. You think it would be all drawing action and cool, flashy shots, but really you’re lucky if that’s every forth or fifth page. It’s basically drawing a lot of A and B to get to C. C kind of takes care of itself. It’s A and B you’ve gotta keep on top of and try and master, or at least that’s my take on it.

I haven’t seen a good Zombie flick for a while. The Zombie well that was overflowing a few years ago is maybe starting to run a bit dry. That said, I’m keeping an eye out for this one. Just as you thought Zombies couldn’t get any scarier. This film is really worse case scenario.
ZOMBINLADEN The Axis Of Evil Dead by Zmbldn

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