Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Now That’s A Dinner Party.

I vaguely remember a time when some bright-spark come up with the novel (and very cheap) idea of just putting interesting people in a room, and have them talk as a way to make late-night TV. Like you were eavesdropping on a really amazing get together or something. Watching this, it’s kind of a shame that idea died out.

I’m trying to think if there was a great millennium horror movie in the end? I tend to think of the 90’s as a bit of a wasteland for horror movies. I always think of 28 Days Later as the great modern horror movie that kicked things into gear after the millennium, and that wasn’t until 2002. Video-games had Silent Hill and Resident Evil. TV had the X-Files. I think horror movies were lacking on the turn of the century. Maybe Jurassic Park at a push… Is 93 close enough to the turn of the century to count?

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