Sunday, 22 April 2012

Last Orders.

From last weeks multicoloured covers, back to black-and-white. I’ve kind of fallen in love with black-and-white in the last couple of years. I doubt I’ll ever truly master it, but I’d like to think I’ve got a lot better at pushing those shadows around, and lining everything up.

It’s been a good week for horror, this week. Firstly I imported a Dylan Dog comic off Amazon. Can’t read the thing because it’s in Italian, but at least I can drool over the gorgeous European artwork. Then I went to see Cabin In The Woods with a friend. I hate to do that thing of slagging off one movie, to praise another, but this movie is everything I didn’t really get from the Scream movies. I always felt the Scream movies weren’t as clever as a lot of people would have you believe. For a start, I think New Nightmare was a far better movie and concept. I kind of think if there were better horror movies floating about in the 90’s, Scream wouldn’t have stood out so much. Whereas Cabin In The Woods is a proper little love-letter to the horror genre. A horror movie you can’t second-guess. I’ve been hearing a lot about this movie for a while now off certain websites and podcasts. This is one of those very rare occasions where a movie lived up to its hype (for me, anyway.) It reminded me why I loved the horror genre so much, and also that horror movies can be playful, too. I know this film has been so successful that the backlash must surely be brewing, but before it hits, I just wanna say I really liked this flick.

And just to keep the good horror-buzz going… why don’t we end on a game of Where’s Jason? (like Where’s Wally, but with Jason Voorhees.)

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