Sunday, 25 December 2022

Merry Christmas 2022.

Technically it's still Christmas (although by the time most people read this, that probably won't be the case), so hopefully there's still time to send out some Christmas Wishes to everyone.

For me, it's been a Christmas of accidental lie ins and even a power cut on Christmas Eve, so I'm a little behind this year, but hopefully this still counts.

I've also been avoiding Alcohol and Sugar this year, and now my body is full of both, so it's going to be interesting (and scary) to see how that plays out. 

Anyway, hope everyone reading this is keeping safe and having a nice Christmas (or what's left of it), and Santa was very kind to you this morning and you all got what you wanted in your stockings this morning.

Thursday, 22 December 2022

Pen In Hand.

Guess who's back doing 'Hand Lettering' again this week?

Tuesday, 20 December 2022

2.1 Days Later.

Just for fun, I thought I'd add up the total running time of all the Zombie themed content I bought for Xmas at the weekend, and it came to 3025-minutes or nearly 50 and half hours, if you will. Admittedly one of the things I got this year was a big Blu-Ray boxset of a certain Zombie themed TV show (one that DOESN'T have the word "Walking" in the title), and one of the Zombie movies I bought is a present for someone else and not for me, but that's still a lot of Zombie Gnashing Yuletide Action. 

In theory, I've got enough Undead Movies and TV Shows to play non-stop including when I sleep to cover both Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

I'll be Binging like a Zombie this Xmas.

Sunday, 18 December 2022

Last Christmas.

It kind of amazes me how Christmas just comes and goes more as you get older and leaves less of a mark in you memory...

I've been trying to see if I could remember anything from last Christmas, and I can only really recall two events...

(1) Not being able to get into the Festive spirit of Xmas last year, and so to try and fix that, watching all the Christmas episodes of the US Office to put me in the right mood.

And (2), getting really drunk on Christmas Day and spending the night binge watching a Doctor Who dvd of Invasion Of The Dinosaurs, and actually quite enjoying it.

Thursday, 1 December 2022

Sontaran Sketch.

For all those that enjoyed my earlier in the year Doctor Who Fan-Art, but were maybe a little peeved it didn't feature my take on any famous Doctor Who Monsters, I have an early Xmas present in the form of a Sontaran Sketch I did recently for a Friend's Christmas Card. 

For any non Doctor Who Fans reading this, Sontarans are Potato headed clone Soldiers who live only for War.

Fun but annoying thing I found out from drawing my first Sontaran is they don't really have Eyebrows as it were, but rather weird and lifeless 'Lumps' where their Eyebrows should be, making it kind of hard to do certain Facial expressions with them.

Tuesday, 29 November 2022

The Write Stuff.

Among other things, 2022 is undoubtedly the year I really got into Hand Lettering my artwork (although I haven't yet posted much of it on this blog yet, and need to do so). 

I have to say I really notices this most while writing out my Christmas Cards the other night. The text inside really felt like a step up from previous years and looked a lot better.

I guess it turns out doing your Christmas Cards is an excellent excuse for practicing your Penmanship and working on your Lettering Style if you're a Comic Book Artist.

Sunday, 27 November 2022

Cramming For Christmas.

It's that frustrating yearly time again, when you know the year is almost done, and you just wanna slow down, switch off, and see out the rest of the year and relax a little.

But then another part of you also just wants to cram in and get done as much as you can before the year ends. See if you can achieve something before midnight on 31st of December and you're back at square one again.

Am I the only one who regularly gets this yearly angst?

Tuesday, 22 November 2022

Piths And Crackers.

Just because in the Jungle (even an otherworldly one on the other side of deep Outer-Space), there's two things every good Explorer needs. A solid sturdy Pith Helmet... And a baggy full of Crackers...

Monday, 14 November 2022

Picking Over The Bones.

One thing thing I learned from drawing this above panel is that it turns out making up strange Alien remains off the top of your head is actually kind of fun.

I also weirdly really like the way the Socks turned out in this Frame for some reason and the kneeling pose I got out of this character.

Wednesday, 9 November 2022

Intergalactic Insects.

Just because legally I think I have to post a picture of a massive disgusting Space-Bug every so often on this Blog. 

You'll gonna need a super large rolled up Newspaper to kill an Intergalactic Insect that big.

Tuesday, 1 November 2022

The Greedy Dead.

Since Halloween has both come and gone now, and spoilers are no longer a worry, I think I'm just gonna quickly post the line-free Colour Artwork of my other Zombie as well, for folks to enjoy.

My favourite bit is that I tried to put tiny 'Flesh Chunks' in the blood down his front, to add a creepy extra level of gore. I also spent so long trying to make that one tube of gut in his mouth look really fresh and fleshy.

There's something very grim about a Zombie who's a messy eater. I wanted to hint at this is maybe what he was like before he turned. Just a bit of a greedy slob in life and death.

Saturday, 29 October 2022


It's that spooky time of year again. So I'd like to wish everyone a HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2022 and hope you all have a great weekend of thrills and chills.

Last year I went super obscure with my Halloween monster pick. So this year I've gone for a creature that everyone will know and hopefully enjoy. The 'workhorse' of the monster world, if you will. The good old rotten Zombie.

I also wanted to get away from doing a simple Pin-up this year and do something a bit more interactive this Halloween. Return to something I've only ever done once before and give it another go.

Just a little something for those that like their Paper Dolls morbid and decaying. Or anyone looking for some mini Halloween decorations for around the house this year. Or even those with Nerf or BB Guns looking for some Zombie themed targets to shoot at.

Whenever I'm drawing a Zombie, I do like to try and think of all stuff he\she might have been through while shambling about looking for Humans and try and get that over in the art. Maybe how they died, and if they have 'battle damage' from encounters with survivors.

I also have to confess, ever since I found out Clip Studio has a 'Dotted Line' tool, I've been dying to find an excuse to use it. So I'm very glad this project came along.

So again, HAPPY HALLOWEEN 2022, everyone, and hope you're all having a good one this year. And please remember to try and avoid giving yourself papercuts when handling these new Zombie Paper Dolls, as it will get infected and lead to Zombification.

Thursday, 27 October 2022

Spooky Action.

Not sure why Commando Comics have got into the Halloween spirit so much this year, but I for one am very glad they have.

It's good to have something spooky put out by a UK publisher to read at Halloween.

Who doesn't wanna see British Soldiers fighting Zombies and Yetis at Halloween?

Wednesday, 19 October 2022

Otherworldly Shrubbery.

Just a quick post for those that like their weird Alien Egg Plants in colour...

Wednesday, 12 October 2022

Unseen Terror.

I rarely, if ever (in fact I'm pretty sure I've never done this) posted a picture of my artwork during colouring without the linework.

But I was so taken with how cool this current creature looks 'lines free' that I had to share a quick snapshot. 

I'd like to think I've really upped my 'Colour Game' over the last couple of years, but who knows. I certainly enjoy colouring my art a lot more now.

Saturday, 8 October 2022

I'm Halloweening As Fast As I Can.

For those that have maybe been following my Artwork for while now, you might know I like to start my Halloween prepping early... In recent years I've even started getting into the habit of starting work on my October offering in late Summer.

I should say this year I've had to scale back and have only just started work on my Halloween Artwork this week, thanks to commitments to other ongoing Art projects as well as just trying to fit it in around dreaded real life. 

Rest assure though I do have a ghoulish idea boiling in my cauldron, and it's something a bit different. If I'm honest I'm kind of making it up as I go along a bit more this year. Playing it by ear, if you will. But hopefully that might be a good thing.

I don't know how other peoples' Halloweens are panning out so far this year?

Monday, 3 October 2022

Alien Egg-Planet.

Just to prove that I never learn from my mistakes and in fact sometimes make the same mistake but even bigger... Here is more Alien Planet life that I've spent ages drawing, inking and colouring that'll no doubt be covered up when the page is Lettered.

If nothing else, though, I feel it at least helps with the 'World Building' of the Comic. Little hints to the otherworldly Jungle Planet the characters are on (I hope).

Tuesday, 27 September 2022

The Paper Jungle.

Decent Comics with a Jungle setting are not easy to find... I feel like their heyday has both sadly come and gone long ago.

But I have to say by far the best Jungle based Comic I've ever seen is easily Kenya by Rodolphe and Leo, which I read the first Volume of over the weekend. Amazing Art and a super intriguing premise for a storyline.

This series doesn't even sadly have a Wiki entry at the moment, but it's really worth looking up and checking out.

I also read some of the old British 60's Jungle comic Kelly's Eye, which had great Artwork, but I couldn't really get into the story.

Friday, 23 September 2022


So sticking with the dead Bug theme... here's a giant Space-Insect being shot and killed with a Ray-Gun for folks to enjoy this weekend.

I'm almost ashamed how long I spent on this frame trying to make the exploding Bug-Eyes extra... shall we say... 'gloopy'.

Monday, 19 September 2022

Dead White Ladybird.

I'm not usually in the habit of posting Photos of dead insects on this blog, as you know (except for that time a few Summers ago when I had a dead Bumblebee hanging in a Spider's Web outside my bedroom window), but I thought I'd share this recent discovery.

While out in the conservatory recently (which just seems to be a place where local bugs go to die), I found the tiny remains of what looks to be a White Ladybird just laying on my Window Sill.  

I kind of wish I could have seen it while it was alive. I've seen plenty of 'Black' Ladybirds in recent years, but never a living White one. I don't know how rare they are in the UK, and to be honest I didn't even know they existed until I found this one and Googled them.

No spoilers... but dead bugs is kind of gonna be a bit of a recurring mini-theme on this Blog over the next couple of weeks. 

Wednesday, 7 September 2022

Crazy For Khaki.

Moral of today's post? Even when I'm not drawing Chicks in Pith Helmets... I'm drawing Chicks in Pith Helmets.

Sunday, 4 September 2022

Weird Summer.

It's been a weird Summer this year...

Waited all Winter long for the Sun to make an appearance and chase away the cold and gloom, and then when it finally did arrive, it was too Hot and Humid to really go out or have any fun in. I spent most of this Summer hiding from the Sun, and when I did brave the heat and go out, most of the places like Parks and stuff were empty of people (who were all probably home, hiding from the Sun).

I can't remember a Summer like it. 

If this Summer was like a Meal in a Restaurant... I'd very much like to send it back for being 'Overcooked'.

Tuesday, 30 August 2022

Ray-Guns Are Cool.

Speaking of Ray-Guns...

I think there's maybe one thing that all Humans on this Planet can agree on... And that is simply this... Ray-Guns are cool as fuckery.

I remember as a Kid, I had this cheap plastic Torch that was shaped like a Ray-Gun that I loved. For some reason the colour palette choice for this device was green and orange (not really very Sci-Fi-Y) and the batteries slid into a slot in the top, like you were loading it up with 'Space Bullets', which was very cool. Admittedly all that would happen when you pulled the trigger was a pretty mediocre Torch Lightbeam would come out, but that and my trusty Metal Red Spud-Gun were two of my favourite toys growing up.  

While once again I have only got done a fraction of the things I was meant to get done over this Summer, one thing I did remember to do while they were available was pick up a load of Water Pistols to use as prop 'Blasters' in a future Ray-Gun themed Art Project. I don't actually know what that idea will look like right now, and have no models lined-up or anything, but at least I'm now fully loaded with 'Space Shooters'.

Friday, 26 August 2022

Deadly Space Hunter.

Remember when I said this was going to be a 'Summer Of Sci-Fi' before going and posting a load of art of Girls in sexy Hats?

So to make up for that, and to get back to all things Cosmic, here's a shot of a guy with a cool looking Ray-Gun (not a single Hat in sight in this frame).

I like that you can go so detailed in Clip Studio that I could even put splashed Mud on his Boots.

Thursday, 18 August 2022

Women Headwear CS Coloured.

The Same Hatted Ladies as yesterday, but this time in glorious colour...

It strange how adding a Hat can totally change the look and feel of the character you're drawing.

I do also like that with colour I could make the Hats look more worn and beat up.

Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Women Headwear CS.

To paraphrase an old saying... "The Hat Makes The (Wo)Man" in today's post as I gather all my recent Hatted Girls together on one page.

I thought I'd take a break from drawing Zombies and Soldiers and so on to do something a bit different with this 'Character Sheet' page. Give myself an excuse to draw some Artwork focusing on women instead.

So I've recently been doodling Ladies wearing different types of Headwear I thought it would be fun to draw.

The Hats on display for anyone who's interested are an old school Pith Helmet (for Ladies who like to adventure), a British Policewoman's Hat (for Ladies who like to enforce the law), an Army style Cap (for tough gurls), and a Nurse's Hat (for Ladies who like to help and heal).

Thursday, 11 August 2022

Policewoman Sketch.

Just to update an old joke for this modern 'woke' age, "What did the Policewoman say to her Stomach?" (if you're juvenile enough, you'll know the punchline).

It's been a long time coming, but I finally got around to drawing a sassy but stern policewoman recently. I've been trying for years to fit a UK Lady Cop into a pin-up, but so far this is the closes I've come. Criminal, huh?

Jeez, a Nurse last week and a Female PC this week... I blame the heat. That said, I blame the heat for a lot of things. I do not thrive in a heatwave, that's for sure.

Sunday, 7 August 2022

Spot The Tipp-Ex Marks.

You know the rules... if you start the week with a sketch of a lovely Nurse, you have to end it with a sketch of a bad-ass girl in an Army Cap. That's just the way it is. I don't make the rules (except in this case, where I clearly have).

For those with 'Eagle Eyes' who zoom in enough, you'll probably be able to see a few blotchy Tipp-Ex stains here-and-there. In my defence it's not just poor penmanship that's the problem, it's also because when I'm drawing on the page above in my Sketch-Pad, the pen often leaks through and leaves nasty black dots for me to deal with when I start a fresh page.

Monday, 1 August 2022

Nurse Sketch.

Just because in this modern self-obsessed self-centred world, there's something genuinely lovely about a Nurse... Who doesn't love a Nurse... They're just so nice and great...

So since the Sun is out and everyone's feeling good this Summer, I hope no one will begrudge me posting something a little tiny bit sexy today? I just had a strong urge to channel my inner 'Good Girl Artists' this weekend, lol, and this is what I came up with.

Honestly... I don't know why I don't draw Nurses more often. 

When I'm walking home I quite often pass this Nurse who lives down my street as she's heading out to work in her uniform (that is to say a 'real' Nurses uniform, not something white-and-tight with a big Red Cross on top... sadly).

Thursday, 28 July 2022

Cute Little Fella.

Who says I can't draw 'cute' characters, huh?

I think today's drawing of a shy little Alien guy is pretty adorable for something I drew.

Wouldn't you stop and try and pat this little rascal if you saw him out in the wild? Sure you would. Look at those big happy eyes.

Wednesday, 27 July 2022

Found On The Shelf.

I very rarely go into town these days and return with a Comic I wasn't expecting to buy, sadly. But I have to say I was very pleased to pick up this unexpected Gerry Anderson anthology edition last week while out-and-about.

Anyone who has seen my two recent Dragon's Domain Pin-ups will know I'm a bit of a secret Anderson fan, and very up for seeing new stories of his TV shows done in comic format. 

The stories inside for anyone wondering are Captain Scarlet (the 2005 version), Space Precinct and Terrahawks.

Friday, 22 July 2022

Red Spikes.

I know people probably ask you this all the time, and you're sick and tired of hearing this question, but have you ever notices how beautiful a Cactus is when viewed from above?

My Cactus that I bought as a tiny stub in a little pot as a Kid which did nothing but grew a microscopic amount every year, has recently just started to mutate into a beast of a plant.
One new trick it's started doing is growing these gorgeous Red Spikes on top. At first I was worried my poor (not so) little Cactus had some kind of horrible disease, but after a quick bit of online research, I found out Red Spikes where a good sign of the Cactus being in great health.

I always think my Cactus must be like some kind of horrible giant 'Death Trap' to insects, and yet you can't keep them off it. They love crawling on it.

Also... YES... I did prick myself a couple of times taking these photos. Thanks for asking. 

Wednesday, 20 July 2022

The Joys Of Summer 2.

Again, it's lovely to be in the Summer months of the year and I've been waiting to be back in the Sun for so long.

It's just... I wish I wasn't sticky 24\7 lately, you know? I wish my body wasn't so tacky that my clothes have to be regularly peeled free. I also wish my hair wasn't permanently wet and always smelled like sweat.

I'd just love to be dry for a little bit, you know? Not damp and gross.

Sunday, 17 July 2022

Sweating Into My Bristol Board.

Without hopefully sounding like I'm giving myself too much of a pat on the back, I have to say I'm amazed I've got as much penciling done as I did this week what with the crazy heat...

I've just been drawing like mad during some of the cooler periods of the day (and mostly nights) and then just trying to wait out the really bad moments when my room is like a furnace. 

Again this week I've been indulging my new love of drawing 'Alien Vegetation' (as seen above). I think the fact that it's as hot as a tropical Jungle right now has really helped me get into the right mindset while doing this page.

Sunday, 10 July 2022

Bot Banter In Action.

My Hand-Lettered 'Robo-Font' in action...

I honestly think this might be my favourite panel from the whole story... Even though it's the smallest and was the quickest to draw.

Saturday, 9 July 2022

The Joys Of Summer.

I've been waiting so long for the Summer to come around this year that I kind of forgot there's also plenty of downsides to this Sunny Weather.

Like when you spend all week adding things to a Shopping List you've been carefully writing and trying not to leave anything off, put it in your pocket, and then when you get to the Supermarket and pull it out, you find through the heat and your body sweat, the inks all bleed and unreadable and the paper itself has turned into a wet pulpy mess that comes apart in your hands.
And then comes the fun part of trying to do your shopping from memory alone.

Monday, 4 July 2022

Betelgeuse Books.

Just for those wondering what Sci-Fi I'm currently reading this Summer, I've been really enjoying the Betelgeuse series by Luiz Eduardo De Oliverira (AKA 'Leo') recently.

It's a little sad the nudity is censored in the UK version. But apart from that, I would totally recommend giving these books a read.

It's some of the best European Sci-Fi I've ever read.

Monday, 27 June 2022

Zombie Selfie.

While most people are smart enough to run and hide from the 'Living Dead', there'll always be those dumb enough to risk falling into the hands of the Undead just for Zombie themed content for their Social Media Accounts (like a certain Reality Star and Influencer caught in the act above). 

'Zombie Baiters', as a lot of people call them, will head out into the wastelands, Phone in hand. Often fighting each other to try and take a Photo or Video of themselves with the most gruesome Ghoul they can find. The grosser the Groaner, the more 'Hits' and 'Likes' they're likely to get.

The reward of online fame is enough bait for these foolish wannabes to get up close-and-personal with a Walker. 

Be smart, people... don't risk your Brains for a Selfie with a Zombie.

Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Penmanship Of The Damn.

I know I said this was gonna be a Summer of Sci-Fi, but I hope people won't begrudge me sneaking in one (slightly out of focus) Undead Shambler into today's post?
I have to confess... I really more wanted to show off my latest Hand-Lettering, and how it's looking now I'm using my new Pens. I'm really trying to take my Comic Book Lettering skills to the next level this Summer.

I was even pleased with the way her 'Zombie Baiter' T-Shirt came out, which I did with a Brush Pen. 

Friday, 17 June 2022

Jungle Attire.

You know you've probably prattled on about Pith Helmets a bit too much when they start showing up in your 'targeted advertisement' banner ads when you sign in to check your Emails...

I have to say, though, with the sunshine we've had today, I totally wouldn't mind owning one of those right now. It's the perfect weather for it.

Thursday, 16 June 2022

A Panel Of Planets.

Nothing says 'Sci-Fi' like a space scene full of weird and wonderful Planets.

This Panel is me trying to establish that the events of this story happen on a beautiful but deadly Jungle World (hence why it's a very green Planet).

Saturday, 11 June 2022

Secret Alien Flora.

Like I was saying in a previous post, I've really been enjoying making up and drawing strange new Alien Plant Life for a short Sci-Fi story I'm currently working on.

And I have to say I think the following Plant is probably the best of the lot... Which is annoying as I've since lettered the page it is on, and know for a fact it gets completely covered up by a Word Balloon.

So people reading it will never get to see this particular peculiar plant, so I guess this one's just for my Blog Readers.

Monday, 6 June 2022

Dragon's Domain Screening.

I'm not sure how wise it is to do TWO epic pin-ups bases on a TV show episode that even your average Sci-Fi Nerd hasn't seen...

But for anyone who has been intrigued by my recent Dragon's Domain artwork and fancied checking out that particular episode for themselves, the Horror Channel are currently rerunning the first series of Space-1999, and I believe are showing it this Wednesday at 7:00pm, for anybody who wants to catch it, and see if it lives up to the hype.

I'm also pretty sure it's on some streaming sites, if you google it. It's usually around episode eight.

For UK readers or those with access to the Horror Channel, you can find more info HERE.

As well as Dragon's Domain imdb page HERE.

Fun imdb trivia fact... The events of Dragon's Domain happen (or happened) on the 3rd of February 2002 which is (or was) my birthday.

Thursday, 2 June 2022

Human In A Hedge.

Of course it's not just Robots that creep about in bushes as today's post shows...

Sometimes you can find the odd human in there, too. Prowling around and up to no good.

This panel is also my first go at drawing Alien Fruit. It's surprising how much fun it is to draw weird Fruit from another planet.

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Bot In A Bush.

I thought people might like to see a certain Robot from a previous post now all coloured up and hiding in a bush (because that's a pretty normal thing for a Bot to do, right?).

It's only Wednesday, and I've already spent a crazy amount of hours on my Computer colouring this week. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Bot Banter (A.K.A. Robo-Font).

As part of having to hand-letter a short Sci-Fi strip I'm currently working on, one of the characters I had to do a voice for is a Robot. So I thought rather than lettering him the same as the human characters, I'd have a go at doing my own Robo Font.

A style that's clearly still hand-lettered, but a bit digital. A Font look that lets the reader know that this character has a Robotic sounding voice when he speaks.

Above is what I came up with.

Monday, 16 May 2022

The Computer That Cried Thunder.

I'm not a big fan of the new little Weather Widget that sits at the bottom of the page with Windows now. Partly because it always reminds me how nice and sunny it is out when I'm stuck indoors working on the computer. And partly because if the Mouse Cursor gets anywhere near it, a whole unwanted page of Microsoft News pops up and invades the screen. 

It's also been flashing up little yellow warning signs about Thunderstorms on-and-off all weekend and today, even though I haven't heard a single sinister rumble yet.

That's a lot of Premature Thunder...

Friday, 13 May 2022

This Is Where My Life Is At Right Now.

I'm a little ashamed at how excited I got today after buying two new fancy pens to try out on a project I'm currently working on.

I really wanna try and learn some new 'mark making' skills this year. Get my hands on and try out some really cool weird and whacky Markers and see what I can do with them.

I also got these pens because I really wanna master 'Hand Lettering' and I'm looking for the perfect pen to do that. One that really brings out my Handwriting in a cool graphic style. If anyone has any good recommendations for pens for Comic Book Lettering, I'd love to hear suggestions. 

So anyway... yeah... that's my rocking plan for this forthcoming weekend. Watching Youtube videos on Hand Lettering and breaking in these two new bad boys.

Monday, 9 May 2022

Another Night Of The Living Dead.

I promise myself (maybe even on this very blog), that I wasn't gonna buy any more copies of Night Of The Living Dead... and yet here we are... again...

At this point I'm not even sure how many versions of this film I actually own now. I do remember my first copy was the infamous 'colorized' edition on VHS back in the 90's (ironically bought in the same shop as where I've just got this new Animated one). I also own a couple of the colour remakes, one of which is in 3D. The 30th anniversary edition with newly shot scenes and terrible new soundtrack. And then there's just the numerous copies I own on dvd as it's often thrown in on boxsets because it's Public Domain.   

The really frustrating thing is I actually don't own a really nice high-res Blu-Ray copy with super great picture quality, so there's no point telling myself this is the last time I'll buy this flick, as I know I'd just be lying to myself.

Wednesday, 4 May 2022

Choose Your Weapon.

Today is an inking day... and I'm ready for battle.

Saturday, 30 April 2022

A Basic Bot.

I do worry that by posting my Space-1999\Doctor Who crossover at Easter that this Summer of Sci-Fi treats might well have already peaked too soon. As it's gonna be hard to out epic an image like that.

But just to make sure we're still moving in the right cosmic direction this weekend, here's a Robot I drew recently. 

In the story, he's actually meant to be a bit rubbish. A very basic bot that can't do very much. But I do fear people are just gonna read it and think I just don't have very good Robot drawing skills.

Monday, 18 April 2022

A Monster For Easter Monday.

Since I started this Easter holiday by posting my new Space-1999\Doctor Who artwork, I'll guess I'll end it by also posting the black and white version too, for people who want to check out the linework.

As much as this pin-up is a homage to both classic shows, I'd also like to think it's inspired by the early DWM comic strips. As I'm a massive Dave Gibbons fan and love his Fourth and Fifth Doctor artwork from that period. I was differently trying to channel a bit of his Tom Baker Doctor in this image. My secret hope was that in black-and-white (as you're seeing it now), it might almost look like a missing scene from the Fourth Doctor era Comic Strip. 

I guess if you want to be super nerdy about it, since the events of Dragon's Domain happen around the year 1996, I could have also gone with the Paul McGann Doctor instead. But it just felt right to go with who was the Doctor and Companion at the time of the episode back in mid-70's. Plus I really wanted to add Sarah Jane as an in-joke, as she was always getting hypnotises in classic Who (probably because of those big beautiful eyes).   

So can the Fourth Doctor escape in time? Can Sarah Jane say no to Alien hypno?

Friday, 15 April 2022

A Good Friday To Die Hard.

Wishing everyone who celebrates it a very HAPPY EASTER for this weekend.

And because nothing says Easter like Tentacles... (although Tentacles have about as much to do with Easter as Chocolate Eggs do, I guess), I'm posting a sequel (or should that be a prequel?) to last Halloween's Dragon's Domain Pin-up today. As we see what it would have looked like if the Alien from Space-1999 had taken out the Doctor prior to the events of that episode, and added the Tardis to his gruesome Spaceship Graveyard where he lives.

Just to put this new Gerry Anderson\Doctor Who crossover Pin-Up into context... The idea of the Doctor battling the nameless beast from Space-1999 comes from an Easter Egg from the episode itself where when you first see the floating graveyard of abandoned Spaceships that makes up the lair of the Monster, originally there was meant to be a hidden USS Enterprise and Tardis floating among the ruined ships (some people claim you can still see them, although I can never spot them). Such an encounter seemed so cool, I just had to have a go at depicting it. Plus the Universe just needs more evil Alien from Dragon's Domain in it. I do like the idea of him being able to invade other franchises.

If you're not much of a Space-1999\Doctor Who fan, this pin-up might be a bit baffling to you. But hopefully there's enough creepy Sci-Fi action going on for most people to get something out of it. But if you do enjoy this crossover and might even wanna see more down the line, please be sure to let me know and maybe leave a comment. 

And again... please remember to avoid looking directly into the Alien's giant Eye at all costs. If you experience any flashing lights or start hearing a high-pitch whirling sound while viewing this piece of artwork, exit the page at once and without delay. Anyone (like Sarah Jane) who is easily receptive to Hypnosis should avoid clicking on my new Pin-Up altogether. 

Warning: weaker minds may be consumed.

Tuesday, 5 April 2022

Ray-Guns Drawn.

And just like that... the Summer of Sci-Fi begins. As a lone Poacher creeps up on his Alien prey with his Ray-Gun drawn.

Although can a Ray-Gun be a Ray-Gun if it's a Rifle? Wouldn't it be more a Ray-Rifle? Or let's just keep it simple and call it a 'Laser Gun'.

Ray-Guns\Laser-Guns is a theme I'll be returning to again at some point this Summer, FYI (because Ray-Guns are cool).

Tuesday, 29 March 2022

Summer Of Sci-Fi.

Fun Fact: This is my second go at writing this blog post after a sudden Power Cut killed my first try right as I was about to finish it.

I don't think I've actually said what's on the cards so far for 2022 yet, so this update is just me putting that right and letting people know what to expect in the coming months and what art I'm working on.

But first I'd like to give a quick big 'thank you' to everyone and anyone who showed my recent War themed artwork some love recently. It was nice to finally be able to put it out online and let people see what I've been working on. Admittedly the timing wasn't great, what with the War in Ukraine (proving once and for all that I have cursed timing in life). But I have to say I think the work went down better than I thought it would, which is great, and I hope people enjoyed seeing me tackle that genre and doing something new. I do have plans to do more War themed art down the line.

And as for future projects, over the Summer I'll be doing some more Science Fiction themed Art. I already have something on the go right now that I'm enjoying drawing a lot as I get to do giant Space-Bugs and Ray-Guns (which are two of the coolest things to draw). As well as another secret 'Cosmic Horror' pin-up I hope to share very soon. So if you thought you were gonna have an Alien free Summer, think again.

I also wouldn't mind trying to fit in another 'Model And Monsters' pin-up soon too, as it's been a while. But as always, that would be about hooking up with a model who could fit me into her schedule.

Thursday, 24 March 2022

Spread Love, Not Germs.

It's that time of year again for that new tradition of buying a big expensive box of fancy Chocolates from the shops and then having to give it a good going over with an antiseptic wipe, because you don't wanna be the arsehole who gave your Mum a nasty case of Covid on Mothersday.

It's the licking an envelope that comes with it that's been sitting out in the open in a public shop that always creeps me out. I wish I could 'outsource' that particular job.

Sunday, 20 March 2022

Survive The 2020's.

Considering we're only three years into the 2020's, it's amazing how brutal they've been so far...

What with a deadly plague that has killed millions and can infect anyone. All the terrible storms in recent weeks including the worse I've ever lived through with storm Eunice last month. And now the biggest War in Europe since WW2. These are indeed intense and scary times.

And sadly we're probably only around a third of the way through this decade so far.

Saturday, 12 March 2022

The War Folder.

Having to write this update one handed today after finally getting my Booster Jab yesterday, meaning my left arm is now painful and numb and pretty useless for the next 24-hours.

In other news... I spent some time this week uploading my recent War themed Artwork on DeviantArt and even put all my pieces in their own folder, for people who want to locate my War Art in one handy place. 

Monday, 7 March 2022

Three Years In.

As we head into the third year of this Pandemic, it's creepy how things have changes and yet stayed the same...

I went for a walk around the Park today for exercise. I love how people still just basically break down into two types. Those that freak out when they see they have to walk past you and try and put as much space between you as they can, sometimes even crossing the road or jumping off the foot path to avoid you... And those that just come right up to you and invade your space and breath all over you like you're on a date or something.

Tuesday, 1 March 2022

Old War Booty.

In a previous post I shared a photo of my 'Stash' of current UK War themed Comics I had acquired recently. So today I thought it would be fun to share this photo. 

While sorting out my Comic Book collection over the Weekend, I came across some of my old War Comics I'd read as a kid back in the 90's (when War Comics were really out of fashion). They're mainly Sgt Fury and the odd issue of DC's The Loser, one of which has amazing artwork by Jack Kirby inside. 

A lot of them I uses to pick up for 30p each in my old comic book shop in an old tucked away Long Box (great days). 

Monday, 28 February 2022

Japanese WW2 Soldier

I have to say, I've always considered myself to have terrible timing in life... From work to women to anything, I just always seem to pick the perfect wrong moment to make my move.

Like slowly buliding up a selection of War themed Comic Book Art for posting online just as the biggest conflict in European history since the second World War kicks off.  

But for those ok to continue (although no one would blame anyone who's seen enough War over the last few days for passing on today's post), I do have a Japanese WW2 soldier drawing to share.   

I'm actually kind of proud of this one. I set myself the task of depicting a realistic looking Asian character with this sketch and was happy with the result. He's one of my favourite Soldiers I've drawn so far.

Monday, 21 February 2022

Who, I Ask You?

What maniac would leave his workspace covered in Jelly Babies?

Who indeed...?