Tuesday, 20 December 2022

2.1 Days Later.

Just for fun, I thought I'd add up the total running time of all the Zombie themed content I bought for Xmas at the weekend, and it came to 3025-minutes or nearly 50 and half hours, if you will. Admittedly one of the things I got this year was a big Blu-Ray boxset of a certain Zombie themed TV show (one that DOESN'T have the word "Walking" in the title), and one of the Zombie movies I bought is a present for someone else and not for me, but that's still a lot of Zombie Gnashing Yuletide Action. 

In theory, I've got enough Undead Movies and TV Shows to play non-stop including when I sleep to cover both Christmas Day and Boxing Day. 

I'll be Binging like a Zombie this Xmas.

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