Monday, 6 June 2022

Dragon's Domain Screening.

I'm not sure how wise it is to do TWO epic pin-ups bases on a TV show episode that even your average Sci-Fi Nerd hasn't seen...

But for anyone who has been intrigued by my recent Dragon's Domain artwork and fancied checking out that particular episode for themselves, the Horror Channel are currently rerunning the first series of Space-1999, and I believe are showing it this Wednesday at 7:00pm, for anybody who wants to catch it, and see if it lives up to the hype.

I'm also pretty sure it's on some streaming sites, if you google it. It's usually around episode eight.

For UK readers or those with access to the Horror Channel, you can find more info HERE.

As well as Dragon's Domain imdb page HERE.

Fun imdb trivia fact... The events of Dragon's Domain happen (or happened) on the 3rd of February 2002 which is (or was) my birthday.

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