Friday, 11 September 2015

Stick The Landing.

I remember deciding a while ago that I should take more behind-the-scenes photos for Babayka: Book 2 for my blog, and then completely forgetting to do so. So with that in mind, here’s some artwork I was working on yesterday. Rather than finished pencils, I thought readers may get a kick out of seeing a panel that’s only been mapped out, before I’ve gone in to do the final pencils. Because they’re only roughly done pencil-line lay outs, I’m not sure how well they’ll show up on your screens, and people may need to enlarge this photo to pick out the details (it doesn‘t help that it‘s a crappy camera-phone photo.) But basically, that’s my rough pencils before going in and adding detail. I build up the shape of the figure like head, torso and limbs before adding clothing and features. A trick I learned years ago as a teenager after reading How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way.

Over on Babayka-Lives tomorrow. No spoilers or clues as to what’s going to go down on Saturday, but I will say I think it’s the page most readers have been waiting for and not to be missed. I’m sure a lot of people are waiting to see if I can ‘stick the landing’ when it comes to wrapping up Brides Of Babayka. All I’ll say is I’m very proud of the ending to Book 1, and hope readers will enjoy how the story resolves itself. Like all good horror stories, I tried to save the scariest bit till last.

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