Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Look At Me Dance.

As I mention earlier today on a journal entry over on my deviantart page, right now I’m kind of dancing around recent revelations that have been occurring over Babayka-Lives so as to give readers who are lagging behind a chance to catch up without spoilers. I’ve given myself a self-imposed deadline of Halloween, before I’ll let myself openly blog about what’s going on in Brides Of Babayka, so I don’t ruin it for more casual readers. But that said, I do strongly recommend that everyone be up-to-date by Halloween, as the spoilers will no doubt flow from then on. So if you haven’t check in on Babayka-Lives for a while, please do try and do so before the end of next month, or risk falling foul of dreaded spoiler.  

For those of you readers who tune in a bit more regularly, I hope you have been enjoying what’s been going down in Babayka Land of late. If you think recent instalments of Babayka-Lives have been intense and horrifically scary these last few weeks, I think you’re gonna be really pleased with this weekend’s episode. As an early treat, here’s a snippet from the forthcoming page-93, which will go up this Saturday. Clearly poor Blake’s ordeal is just getting started.

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