Thursday, 9 July 2015

Nothing To See Here.

Just a quick post today to say if you’re subscriber of Babayka-Lives and you got a message today to say there’d been an update… just ignore it. One of my many tasks this summer (because I can assure you, just because the web-comics on a break, doesn’t mean I am), is to try and sort out and get early pages from Babayka: Book 2 ready to be posted when Brides Of Babayka concludes later in the year. So yes, today I did do a test run and post the first page of Book 2 to make sure it looked ok (you only have to look at the less-than-perfect quality of the current Summer break image that I did a little too quickly for its own good, to see if it’s not done right, you get resolution problems), thankfully, it looked great.

I doubt anyone did snag a copy of Page 1 from Book 2 while it was briefly posted, but if by some jammy chance you have, please keep it to yourself. There no real danger if by some chance it did leak onto the internet, as it has no spoilers to the end of Brides Of Babayka, or any other real spoilers, anyhow, but I’d be grateful if any AWOL copies could be kept offline.

Hope everyone’s excited about Brides Of Babayka returning next month? Not much longer to wait now until we find out who-or-what resides in the room at the end of the hall, and what will become of poor Blake, the last bachelor standing.

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