Friday, 31 July 2015

My Weekend.

I can pretty much sum up my plans for this weekend in one photo.

I’ve heard a lot of people call Cold Fear a Resident Evil 4 rip off. But considering Resident Evil 4 is my favourite game of all time, somehow playing an imitator of it strangely appeals to me. As you’ve probably no doubt guess by now from reading Babayka-Lives, I’m a big fan of survival horror, so I’m very much looking forward to this game (I’m also very much looking forward to the white, chocolate buttons, too.)

By-the-by, it’s officially less than a month now until Babayka-Lives returns. Something else I need to do very soon-ish is update the Brides Of Babayka recap from earlier in the year, to give return readers a chance for a quick catch up before the story gets going again on the 22nd next month.

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