Also, please feel free to Email me at: if there’s any piece of artwork you’d like to see made available as a print. Right now it’s just Babayka-Lives prints, but I’m open to adding non-Babayka-Lives artwork down the line. So please do get in touch if you’d like to nominate an pin-up, and if that pin-up gets enough votes, I’ll add it to the roster.
A big thanks to all Babayka-Lives readers that did check out my account over on Tapastic last week. It’s been getting hits, so clearly some of you have. I found Tapastic so user friendly I’m almost tempted just to make it the sole Babayka-Lives output… but I won’t… but I do recommend it to first time web-comic creators looking for somewhere quick and easy to start their web-comic series. So far it’s a thumbs up from me.
Again, a massive thank you to those who have shown support and stuck with the web-comic during this last crummy fortnight. Hopefully I’ll have some more positive news for you over this forthcoming fortnight. And lastly a disappointed headshake and two-finger salute to all creativity killer hackers types, schadenfreuden gawkers, and people in general who use the internet to be shitty to other people. I sometimes wish Krampus was real, and late on Christmas eve at night every year, he would just go around sitting naked on the faces of all internet trolls, hackers and haters as they lie sleeping in their beds as their much deserved Xmas present for that year. I can’t be the only one, right?
A quick update on the main site. Work is well underway on bringing back from the dead. It was a massive kick in the nuts kind of way to start 2015, but I am determined to resurrect this web-series, have no fear. No official date on when it’ll be back online, but my birthday’s in very early Febuary, and I’d like to be back online by then, if I can. So sooner, rather than later, folks, so please do keep checking back. I’ll have a better idea of if that’s possible next week, so I’ll make some kind of announcement then. Hopefully this shoddy work-in-progress photo below will keep readers going until then.
Extra nerdy points to those who notices I choose to take a crappy photo on my phone, when you can clearly see a Windows Snip icon in the lower left-hand corner which would have done the job so much better… I wanted the photo to be dramatic and mysterious, ok?
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