Saturday, 31 January 2015

Back To Business.

For anyone who missed the good news earlier in the week. Yes, Babayka-Lives is indeed back online. So why not head over there now and read the long awaited Page-72, as we start to set up the cliffhanger for the end of Chapter three.

New reader and not ready for Page-72 yet? Why not head over to Babayka-Lives on Tapastic and read the first 20-pages of Brides Of Babayka. Watch (or rather read) the nightmare unfold from the very beginning. I should also say a friendly ‘Hello’ to any new readers of this blog I may have picked up from Tapastic over the last month. Hope you’re enjoying the web-series so far.

My blog’s ratings have dropped drastically over the last few days, which is a good thing, as it means readers are now migrating back to the main web-comic, after our unscheduled hiatus recently. It was a hell of a turbulent start to my second year of running a web-comic, but thankfully Babayka-Lives is still kicking.

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