Sunday, 23 September 2012

Sisters Of (No) Mercy.

Something a bit sinister to end the week on. This shot is me trying to ’Bring It’ with the horror ambience. My best attempt to set a spooky tone, as it were. I’m 99% sure I haven’t posted this shot already. Hopefully this panel doesn’t look too familiar?

Been watching old episodes of Tales From The Darkside, this week. They go well with the dark, cold autumn nights that are setting in. They remind me of when I would watch these on late-night TV as a kid in the 90‘s. I still think the pilot Trick Or Treat, written by George Romero, still has a great chilling ending. Only downside is I’ve got the creepy intro theme-tune going around in my head, these last few days. Having that jingle playing in my head as I walk around at night, or trying to get to sleep, is an unwelcome side-effect. I still think it’s the creepiest opening to a horror TV show, ever.

Speaking of Halloween (which we kind of were… I mean, the episodes called Trick Or Treat, right?), I think I’ve figured out my game-plan for Halloween. I don’t think I’m going to be able to beat pumpkin-headed zombies from a couple of years ago. But I do at least this year have a design I can run with. I’ll see where it goes. And hopefully I’ve had this idea early enough in the year that I can get it done little-by-little, just in time for the big day. Fingers crossed.

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