Sunday, 2 September 2012

All In.

I personally think the Sun-gods have been a little stingy with their love this weekend.

Issue #4 is chugging along nicely. Not being a fast artist, I still find it strange that I have a folder thick with sequential pages. I mean, I guess I should have, considering I’ve been scribbling away now for just over three years. But doing this mini-series, I’m suddenly very aware why a lot of comic-book artist don’t do their own graphic-novels. Unless you’re lucky enough to be a fast artist, it’s like chewing your way through cement. It’s so time-consuming. I try not to think about how many thousands of hours have gone into this book, because it kind of freaks me out a little.

Two good things about this being the forth and final issue is, (1) I’m in the homestretch, and therefore it should be all downhill from here (still recently been having some tricky moments, however.) And (2), every time I get those pesky doubts about this project (like am I doing the right thing? Is this mini-series any good?) at this point, I’m pretty much pot committed. Win or lose, I’ve invested too much not to see this through to the end, now, so I may as well enjoy the ride. All my chips are in the middle of table, and it’s just a case of waiting for that river-card. (Apologies to non-poker fans, if that just sounds like weird jargon to you.)

I’m trying to work out if I can free up some time this year, to do something for Halloween. I know it’s a couple of months off, but maybe if I get my shit together now, I can do something special this year. No promises, but I’m gonna try this year.

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