Thursday, 5 July 2012

Visual Crack.

Motion posters are scary but awesome. Not quite a poster, not quite a trailer (word to the wise, don’t have your volume turned up high, if you click this link.) Hope if they run with this idea though, they make them in landscape in the future. Maybe put out a 3D copy, too.

Just watched season six of The Office in three days. That’s 9-hours of TV in a 72-hour period. Really scary thing is I probably could have done it in two. There was a couple of points where I had to force myself to switch the DVD off. You get into that zone where it’s hard to say no to one more episode. To be fair, my funny-bone has been in need of some major stimulation recently.

EDIT: Whoops, that should have been ‘motion’ not ‘mention’. Spell much?

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