Sunday, 8 July 2012

Here Comes The Narrative.

I think it’s safe to say, with all that empty space, this is going to be a dialogue heavy shot. I always try and avoid Info Dumping, and try and spread plot out, as best I can. Because I’m very aware of it, I think I’m ok at chopping up plot, and distributing it throughout. Writing a story, it’s an ongoing battle between getting the ratio of action and narrative just right.

There’s only one point in this story, so far, where it looks dangerously like I’ve just unloaded plot all over the page (it’s not this above scene.) I think I just about get away with it. Hopefully it comes across more as an exciting reveal.

I’m sure many writers would argue that Info Dumping is a necessary evil. You’ve gotta lay down that plot somehow? It’s like going over a speed-bump, and then you can carry on with your journey.

I just thank God I don’t write Sci-Fi. I love Sci-Fi, but with all the tech and techno-babble, it does generate, and require a lot of Info Dumping. It would drive me nuts (and that’s coming from a Doctor Who fan.)

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