Saturday, 12 May 2012

Cover Story.

The cover usually comes at the end for me. A little treat to round off and put a full stop to an issue. However, while trying to work up some thumb-nails for pin-ups, out of the blue, I came up with a design for the cover art of Issue #4. Something that I really wanted to run with. Creativity is a lot like that, sometimes. You try and order a turkey sandwiches, and it brings you a bowl of soup instead, and there’s no sending it back. I think it sums up the feel of this mini-series really well, and is probably the one out of the four that must looks like the cover to a horror comic (thanks to cadaver Blake, no doubt.) Being the final cover, I didn’t want to give anything away, and I think this image is mysterious enough, without giving any spoilers.

It’s strange that the cover for Issue #3 was so problematic, and ended up with me having to draw it twice. I like the cover to Issue #3, but it was a long and bumpy road to get to that final image. Whereas this cover seemed to float out of nowhere, with no real effort. I’d done a few thumb-nails, as to what Issue #4’s cover might look like, but I thought it would take months for me to work out what the design should be. It usually comes together during the making of an issue. Reading back scenes I’ve drawn and working off those. Maybe because it’s a later issue, I already had enough ideas to have a stab. It’s going to be weird drawing an issue with the cover already in place. I might end up hating it in a couple of weeks and scrap it, but I very much doubt it. For now, I really like this design and don’t know when I’ll get around to having a bash at colouring it.

Just finished reading what I think is one of the best British horror novels of recent times, The Hungry Moon (no wiki link, but you can find a basic blurb here.) Such a great story and concept. The more I think about this book, the more I feel this book is one of my favourite horror novels of all time. It’s one of those novels where it’s devilish-fun to watch the shit hit the fan. Nothing scarier then well written chaos. Setting it up, then picking it apart.

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