Thursday, 31 May 2012

Admin Of The Damned.

(Long Story)

There’s stuff you have to do as a freelance comic artist, that is neither exciting, or ends in great art being created. All the little, shitty jobs that need to be done so creativity can come out to play again. This has been my life for the last two or three weeks now. I’ve had a list in my head of things that need to be done, most of which I’ve been putting off for a while. I’ve been trying to keep my hand in the game by doing some thumbnails here and there, but they’ve all been pretty piss-poor, if I’m honest. On the upside, however… I kind of got my arse-in-gear this week and really took care of a good chunk of what needed to be done. I wiped most of my imaginary ’to do’ list clean, and only have a few tasks left. An unexpected bonus of this is I’ve almost immediately started to feel my creative-juices start to ferment again. I know that if I can just keep my head down and pass through the final mile of the valley of boredom, there’s a good chance creativity will be waiting for me on the other side. Then we’ll hold hands and skip through sunny fields. Maybe point at rainbows together and chase butterflies. It’s going to be magical.

(Short Story)

Got some shit done this week.

Feels good.

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