Soooooo close to finishing issue #3. Been badgering away since a short break at Xmas, and I’m so close to that finishing line now. Only slight setback is I’ve burnt up any remaining energy I had left from my quick time off. I’m stuck between knowing if I put my foot down, I could be finished very, very soon, but then I’m kind of running on fumes at the moment, and maybe a short time out would be the smart thing to do. We’ll see what next week brings. We’ll see if the Sequential Gods are smiling on me lately. Maybe I need to sacrifice a small animal or something to them? Like a vole or something. Why can I never get on their good side? God, I’d push an old lady under a bus if it would please the Sequential Gods, and put me and my work in their favour. Drown a nun in Indian-ink… anything. Sometimes it feels like they are the unholy overlords that can never be pleased, no matter how many hours, lives and sheets of Bristol Board are culled in their name.
Speaking of evil demigods… I’ve dedicated myself to learning how to pronounce the name Cthulhu, this weekend. It’s just gonna be awkward when he finally raises from his watery tomb to destroy us all, and no one can pronounce his name properly. Talk about making an awkward moment worse.
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