Sunday, 18 March 2012

Bat Race.

As Issue #3 slowly rolls into the station, let’s just pause to post this latest shot. Looks like someone’s just got an ouchy. There’s something about this panel I like, but I can’t put my finger on it. I think maybe it shows off some the better aspects of my style, this frame. What I’ve been trying to get across more in my work in recent years. Getting those pesky black and white shapes working in some kind of harmony. How true that is, I don’t know, but here it is.

Who hasn’t wondered at some point which is faster, the 60’s or 80’s Bat-mobile? God, I use to be obsessed with the 80’s Bat-mobile. The cool thing about Batman is he’s not afraid to accessorise. Thinking about it, maybe this is why I liked Batman so much more then any other Superhero as a kid (and as an adult). He had a Bat-mobile, utility-belt, Bat-wing and Bat-cave. Batman is very much the Barbie of the superhero world. Guys mock girls and their Barbie dolls, but now I think about it, I pretty much just spent my childhood buying Batman figures and all the tat to go with him. Of course at some point, you’ve gotta grow up and make do with playing with your life-sized action figure… if you’re lucky enough to have one at home.

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