Couple of things I found out this week. First… you CAN find the theme tune from Demons on iTunes (you have to spell it Demoni.) Also this week, just read my second ever 3D comic. Read a 3D converted copy of Danger Girl issue #1 about eight years ago. And now I’ve just finished reading Crossed 3D. Kind of dug it. A lot of people don’t like Crossed (what, with the raping and debauchery… this time in 3D), but I think horror and 3D have a special relationship. They bring out the best in each other. I was kind of hoping this would be the start of a wave of 3D horror comics, but a quick search shows there’s next to no other 3D comics I can find. So sadly it doesn’t look like 3D will take over comics like it did with films. I think it’s a shame. I could really go for some 3D horror, comics fade. At some point this coming weekend, I’m gonna give the internet a good search and see if I can find any decent 3D web-comics. It’s gotta be out there, right? Big wave, just round the corner? Yeah… probably not. It may just be wishful thinking on my part.
Have a short comic-strip I’m thinking of trying to convert to 3D. It’s just finding the time to get on Photoshop and play around with it. Finding time to do a decent job of converting it to 3D. Watching a lot of youTube videos to see how other people are doing it. I’ve done a bit of 3D work a couple of years back (see HERE and HERE) and have a system, but there’s always a good chance someone else has a better and faster route. I’m no computer wiz-kid, not by a long shot.