Until then, here a new panel. Why is it so fun to draw people smoking? I’m not a smoker, or really a fan of smoking, and yet I kind of enjoy drawing people smoking. I think it’s the body-language people fall into when they’re smoking, I like to try and capture. It’s a strange little act with its own little movements and look. The idea that you just stop dead and go through this little, unnatural performance. Sometimes in comics, there’ll just have it hanging out of a characters mouth like he\she doesn’t even know it’s there, maybe trying not to draw attention to it. Whereas I’ll always try and have whoever’s smoking it, look like they’re getting something out of it. At least enjoying the act a tiny bit. I guess the danger is that people will say it’s bad advertising or some bollocks, but people smoke because they enjoy it. To show it any other way would be a lie. I don’t draw people smoking a lot or try and make it look cool, as it’s not. It just niggles me when I’m reading a comic and I see smoking portrayed like that. Takes me out of the story for a second. Especially if it’s a ‘mature adult’ comic, too.
Hmmm, that was dangerously close to a rant, then. Maybe I need to take up smoking to chill out a bit.
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