Truth be told, I hadn’t planned to do any more Marine Cuisine pin-ups for a while. After the second one, I plan to put the idea on the backburner for bit. What I really wanted was to go in a different direction. Go fishing in my subconscious and try and come up with a really good horror image or something. I spent days doing pages of thumb-nails and nothing was working. I think I said in a previous post that I felt “as creative as a brick”, which pretty much sums it up. After a while and so many, many pages, I had to have an honest look back over all these ideas and see if there was anything decent in there. I realised the only good ideas I had was early on and were two follow ups to Marine Cuisine. I decided just to go with my strongest idea and draw the first idea (I’ll try and save the second idea for down the line.) My theory is I’m a little burnt out on the horror genre at the moment. After drawing a horror comic for the last several months. Watching tons of horror flicks and reading books on Stephen King and David Cronenberg, rather then being inspired, my brain is maybe a bit dry on all things ghoulish. Hopefully that will change. I’d like to think I’ve got a couple more good pin-ups in me before returning to do issue #3. What’s up next…? not really sure myself yet.
In other news… I wish it was Easter right now.
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