Thursday, 20 May 2010

Plants Vs Zombies.

Been hooked lately on the awesome Plant Vs Zombies. It has taken what little free time I have and gobbled it up. This game is genius in the same way as games like Worms or Lemmings were. Just really, really playable. I think you can download a free trial off their website (it only lets you play for a short while, but the good thing is, when I bought the full game, somehow it knew where I’d got to and I could start from there.) Saying that, I have got far enough into it now that it’s starting to get really hard. Those Zombies riding dolphins are tricky bastards (words I never thought I’d catch myself typing.) This is the first videogame in a long time, that I’ve really fallen in love with. You can also get it for your iphone, but I’d find it a massive headache to play this on a tiny screen, as so much is going on that you have to keep an eye on. Also the music really good on this game.

Also on the gaming front, I’ve finally got a controller for the new Doctor Who game that the BBC are putting out next month. Sadly I don’t own any games that need a controller… but I have one… sitting unused in its box. Looking sad and untouched.

And Marine Cuisine has now been put up on my DeviantArt page. Why scroll down the page to check out artwork, when you can just click a link?

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