Sticking with last weeks love\hate theme, I present my latest pin up. It’s been a while since an image has been as painful to draw as this one. This image was just one problem after another. I drew it in landscape at first so I had to spend time light-boxing it onto another sheet of Bristol board (twice now I’ve done that and both from the same sheet, which is now looking very unhealthy.) Then I couldn’t decide what should go inside the bubble. At first the villain was just going to be making them fight, but once I’d pencilled the outside of the bubble, I found that idea a bit underwhelming. So I thought about it and I had what I thought at the time was a killer idea. I drew a gutter line splitting the balloon in half and then drew in each half a peril scene. In one the two superhero’s sitting on a pile of TNT. And in the right side them dangling above a piranha pit. I spent at least two or three hours on these scenes. I spent an hour alone drawing all those sticks of TNT. Problem was when I was done I knew it wasn’t right. For a start the two peril scenes looked tiny, and this was on a A3 sheet. When I scanned it and shrink it to A4 you’re just not going to be able to make them out. At this point I’d had enough. I gave up. I knew when I was beat and I decided to cut my losses. Only problem was, I couldn’t think of what else to draw. My mind was blank. I had some very piss poor ideas, but nothing worth drawing. One of my ideas were Superheroes in a Hot tub ( I’d like to think when Heroes do get into Hot tubs, they take off everything apart from their masks.) thinking about it, I thought maybe this is what should go into the bubble. It’s very much a peril scene and a hopefully a little funny. Hopefully this move stopped it from being a complete waste of time, but it’s been a rough time, trying to beat this image into something.
Looking at it now, damn it… why didn’t I move that rubber duck to the right a tiny bit.
Ok, time to put this whole nasty mess behind me. I’m not even sure if I’m going put this one up on my DeviantArt page.
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